27 Dec 2002

1-on-1 with DJ jake kilby

DJ Jake Kilby, veteran of the Sydney Gay + Lesbian Mardi Gras and Sleaze Ball tells all about his boyfriend, his big break and his day job in a 1-on-1 chat with Fridae. Catch Jake at the decks at Snowball - Fridae's year-end bash on December 28!

æ: Where were you born and where did you grow up?

DJ Jake Kilby
jake: I was born in New Zealand, but moved to Sydney when I was very young. I grew up in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney.

æ: Did DJ'ing happen by chance or have you always wanted to get into it? How did you get your big break?

jake: I wanted to be a DJ as soon as I started going to clubs and bars at the very young age of 15. I was lucky enough to meet most of Sydney's DJ's that were around at that time and they all supported me by giving me tips and advice. I got my first gig at The Beresford Hotel in Sydney, playing for free on a Sunday afternoon to about 20 people. It was good experience because I hadn't used any of the equipment before so I got to teach myself how to DJ and get used to playing in front of people while still not having to play in front of big crowds while I developed my skills. Gradually the place got more popular and so I started getting paid for my work. From there came offers from other venues and that's how people began to recognise me and my work.

æ: It's an awesome feat winning Sydney's Most Popular DJ Award in 2000, 2001, 2002. How did that happen and how do you feel about it?

jake: The award is a community voted award. The general public as well as members of the drag, club and DJ industry get to vote for a few categories at the D.I.V.A's (Drag Industry Variety Awards) and Most Popular DJ is one of them, so it means a lot to me to know that the general public and my peers like what I do enough to vote for me. There are so many fantastic DJ's in Sydney, so to be chosen from the huge amount of talent as people's favourite is an amazing compliment.

æ: You also mixed the 2002 Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras compilation CD with Mandy Rollins. How did that opportunity come about? Has that changed anything personally and professionally?

jake: Mardi Gras approached me about doing the CD. The man in charge of the CD, Phil Ventham, had a vision in mind and Mandy and I were his choices for fulfilling that vision. Each year only 2 DJ's get to do the CD, and again, with so much talent in Sydney it's a great honour when you get asked to do it. Compiling the CD has definitely raised my profile in Sydney and I guess it has led to more international work, like Snowball.

æ: What would you be doing if you were not a DJ?

jake: I am the Manager of a Hairdressing Salon in Sydney. I need the stability of a normal daytime job to give me the motivation to get me out of bed in the morning. I think I would go crazy if I only worked nights and I slept all day. If I wasn't DJ'ing, I would probably throw myself into my day job more. And get more sleep!

æ: Which was the most memorable party you DJ'ed at?

jake: The first is always the best. My first Mardi Gras in Sydney (2000) I played in a smaller venue but I had the room all to myself all night long. Being a smaller venue the DJ box was on the same level as the crowd. It was actually just a stand on wheels, so I could move the box out into the crowd if had wanted. You don't get that kind of intimacy when you play in one of the bigger halls because you are up high and feel untouchable. I had a great night and the room venue was full all night long. It was unforgettable.
æ: What kind of sounds and tunes can partygoers at Snowball expect?

DJ Jake Kilby
jake: I'm playing for 5 hours so I'm going to play a wide range of stuff. I'll play some Madonna, Kylie and Britney. I'll also play some funky disco, some high-energy dance and maybe one or two popular trance tracks. Nothing too slow and nothing too full on. Just great happy music to dance to.

æ: Have you ever considered DJ'ing in the buff if asked to?

jake: I've DJ'ed in drag but never in the buff. I guess if the price was right… say, $1,000,000.00?

æ: What is your favourite pop track?

jake: I'm in love with the Sugababes right now. I can't stop playing their latest album. I love the single Round Round.

æ: What is your favourite dance track?

jake: My favourite all time dance track is Your Loving Arms by Billie Ray Martin. At the moment I really like Safe From Harm by Narcotic Thrust.

æ: What is your favourite make out track?

jake: Turn Me On by Danny Tenaglia.

æ: Are you seeing anyone? Tell us about him.

jake: I've been with my partner Stephen for nearly 3 years. He's worked in the nightclub industry so He knows how it all works which is great. He puts up with my late nights and tiredness. He's coming to Snowball with me so you'll probably see him there.

æ: Describe your ideal mate.

jake: Well I have to say Stephen now, don't I?

æ: What do think is the best way for a partygoer to approach you if they recognise you?

jake: The same way you would approach anyone else. Just come up and say "HI!". I don't bite.

æ: If given a chance, which celebrity would you want to dance with? And to what music?

jake: I'd want to dance with Madonna while she was on stage during a concert performing "Impressive Instant".

æ: When did the word 'gay' first mean anything to you?

jake: Always and ever. I've never been anything but gay. I remember understanding that I was gay and understanding what that meant before I was 10.

æ: When did you realise you were gay? What was the process like?

jake: I realised I was gay when I was very young. The process was very easy for me. My family were really supportive and I was never ashamed or embarrassed by what I was.

Event info
Date/Time: 28 Dec 2002, 9pm till late
Venue: Pavilion, Far East Square, Singapore
Tickets: $40 at the door