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新聞&特寫 : 標籤 : discrimination


Bangladesh gay people live in ‘constant fear,’ says survey

Bangladesh gay people live in ‘constant fear,’ says survey

The survey of 751 people across eight cities showed more than 50 percent admitting to living in constant fear of their sexual orientation being found out.
Local transgender documentary wins popular acclaim in Vietnam

Local transgender documentary wins popular acclaim in Vietnam

The movie Madam Phung's Last Journey played to sold-out rooms in Ho Chi Minh City and is now currently showing in the national capital Ha Noi.
Israel allows sex changes on ID cards without operation

Israel allows sex changes on ID cards without operation

The new rules come into effect following a Supreme Court ruling in January that allowed two transgender Israelis to change their gender on their cards without medical intervention.
Korea University’s student council bans anti-gay discrimination

Korea University’s student council bans anti-gay discrimination

Korea University’s student council has revised its rules to ban discrimination based on a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity.
Major Philippines city bans discrimination against LGBT individuals

Major Philippines city bans discrimination against LGBT individuals

Quezon City Council in the National Capital Region of the Philippines has approved an ordinance banning discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals.
Thai LGBT people encounter great stigma, discrimination says UNDP-US report

Thai LGBT people encounter great stigma, discrimination says UNDP-US report

The Thai LGBT community encounters great social stigma and limited job opportunities despite the country’s tourism authority actively promoting Thailand as a gay-friendly tourist destination, says a recent international report.
Bangladesh set to veto UN rights for lesbian and gay people

Bangladesh set to veto UN rights for lesbian and gay people

Bangladesh says it will veto the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) proposal to provide rights for lesbian and gay people.
Students in China petition universities for equality laws on campus

Students in China petition universities for equality laws on campus

Student activists have petitioned 112 key universities urging them to incorporate equality on campus and curb discrimination against LGBT people gay.
Politicians and religious leaders’ nexus thwarts equality legislation in Taiwan

Politicians and religious leaders’ nexus thwarts equality legislation in Taiwan

Religious leaders and politicians have formed a strategic alliance to halt the furthering of equality legislation that seeks to end anti gay discrimination and allow same-sex couples to marry.
Watch | Japanese teen comes out in inspirational speech

Watch | Japanese teen comes out in inspirational speech

An unnamed Japanese student has given a moving speech about the discrimination felt by LGBT people in the contemporary world.  Borrowing the legendary words of Martin Luther King, the student commented on global gay issues as well as his own experiences as he came out to his classmates and teachers.



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