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由'Zhuang Yisa'寫的文章

Professional Amateurs: Never The Sinner (22-25 Feb)

Professional Amateurs: Never The Sinner (22-25 Feb)

Zhuang Yisa popped by at a rehearsal of The Stage Club's Never The Sinner which runs from Wednesday to Saturday, and talks to the director and co-stars about play's homoromantic theme.
Memoirs of a Geisha

Memoirs of a Geisha

Little Kyoto is phony, the accents are horrendous - heck, the leads aren't even Japanese for crying out loud. Then again, why be prudish like conservatives and spoil all the fun Memoirs potentially has? Trust me, the dialogues and intrigues will burn themselves into the collective memory of the bitches and drama queens. In the years to come, this film, like Sayuri herself, shall become legendary.


The Phantom of the Opera might have his Old World glamour. Miss Saigon might have her descending helicopter and her me-love-you-long-time exoticness. What Rent has is Karen Mok - scream, everyone - and an eclectic cast of characters whose trials and tribulations you will not easily forget.
The Exorcism of Emily Rose

The Exorcism of Emily Rose

Based on true events, The Exorcism of Emily Rose is a spine-chilling tale of demonic possession. Agnostics will walk out of the cinema convinced of larger forces at work. Oh, haven't you heard? The door bitch at the club has just been replaced.
Haute Tension (High Tension)

Haute Tension (High Tension)

Shocking even to gore hounds, Haute Tension is truly an unforgettable slasher flick that will make you think twice before badmouthing any lesbian comrade. I watched two-thirds of this film through the finger slits of my hands.
Sympathy for Lady Vengeance

Sympathy for Lady Vengeance

Revenge is sweet, but never really a piece of cake. You need the boots from Helmut Lang and a coat from Gucci. Make them all black. And oh yes! Don't forget the rouge and the mascara.
Lan Yu

Lan Yu

Winner of Seven Golden Horse awards, amongst other international accolades, Lan Yu is one of the most satisfying gay romances in Asian cinema. Bring your boyfriend along, if you're attached; bring your ex, if you're psychotic; or, like yours truly, a pack of tissues if you're single and too available.
Everlasting Regret

Everlasting Regret

Canto-pop diva Sammi Cheng takes centerstage as Stanley Kwan's latest long-suffering muse in Everlasting Regret. Having gone to Venice and left without a Golden Lion, the film is still worth watching simply for its opulent beauty. And I'm not just talking about Cheng and the male leads.


"Yes! Primal desire - that's unchanging! Every man from Paris to China feels the same urgent stirring in his loins." That's the Marquis de Sade for you. Quills by Luna-id is an enjoyably unsettling piece of intellectual stimulation. You don't have to worry about protection for this one.
March of the Penguins

March of the Penguins

Imagine a film populated with penguins, replacing the customary roles of human actors. This is not Madagascar - this film marches to a different drum beat.



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