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19 Mar 2009

Marriage - literally redefined

The Merriam-Webster dictionary, among others, now include same-sex relationships under the definition of marriage.

The Merriam-Webster dictionary now includes a secondary definition of marriage to recognise same-sex relationships - in fact, years before gay couples could legally tie the knot anywhere in the United States.

Although the update was made in 2003, the change only gained widespread notice after the conservative World Net Daily news site published an article this week criticising Merriam-Webster for the addition.

The definition now includes the phrase: "The state of being united to a person of the same sex in a relationship like that of a traditional marriage."

Merriam-Webster, widely regarded as the leading dictionary in the US, issued a statement on Wednesday explaining that the edited entry merely reflected the frequency with which the term "same-sex marriage" had popped up in print and become part of the general lexicon.

"In recent years, this sense of 'marriage' has appeared frequently and consistently through a broad spectrum of carefully edited publications, and is often used in phrases such as 'same-sex marriage' and 'gay marriage' by proponents and opponents alike," the statement read. "Its inclusion was a simple matter of providing dictionary users with accurate information about all of the word's current uses."

"What we are finding odd is that this is neither news nor unusual," spokesman Arthur Bicknell said. "In fact, we were kind of late to the party. We were one of the last ones among the major dictionary publishers to do this."

Other American dictionaries such as the American Heritage Dictionary in 2000 added a forth clause that states: "A union between two persons having the customary but usually not the legal force of marriage: a same-sex marriage."

The British Oxford English Dictionary which defines marriage as a "condition of being a husband or wife; the relation between persons married to each other; matrimony" in 2001 added, "the term is now sometimes used with reference to long-term relationships between partners of the same sex."

In the US, Connecticut and Massachusetts are the only states where same-sex marriage is legal; the unions are however not recognised nationally. The Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Canada, South Africa and Norway recognises same-sex marriage.


1. 2009-03-19 20:54  
bravo Merriam-Webster!
2. 2009-03-19 21:27  
I guess some libraries and schools may now try to ban dictionaries for advocating gay marriage and homosexuality @@
3. 2009-03-19 21:30  
Times have indeed changed. Merriam-Webster (located in Springfield, Massachusetts) was a hotbed of homophobia when I worked there, way back c. 1960. The gays who did work there --- one of them later became Editor-in-Chief --- stayed in the closet!
4. 2009-03-19 23:23  
thats great news to hear...
5. 2009-03-20 01:52  
So the word marriage only dates from the 14th century?

The same dictionary says of the only other word I can think of, wedlock:

Middle English wedlok, from Old English wedlāc marriage bond, from wedd pledge + -lāc, suffix denoting activity
Date: 13th century

I wonder what it was called before then.
7. 2009-03-20 13:45  
i'm so gonna buy Merriam-Webster dictionary tomorrow! LOL :D
8. 2009-03-20 23:33  
You can find the dictionary and the entry online at http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/marriage
9. 2009-03-22 01:47  
perhaps mating (for life)? haha ok thats too primitive
perhaps betrothal


So the word marriage only dates from the 14th century?

The same dictionary says of the only other word I can think of, wedlock:

Middle English wedlok, from Old English wedlāc marriage bond, from wedd pledge + -lāc, suffix denoting activity
Date: 13th century

I wonder what it was called before then.

11. 2009-03-23 17:44  
The world is constantly evolving. :)
12. 2009-03-24 18:42  
aiyo ....if the word marriage doesn't goes well with certain religion, let it be ....call it civil partnership but enjoy all the similiar terms of marriage lo....

i am sure someone will say ...what does religion got to do with it...but trust me.....it is better to avoid religion issue than going head on with them....it is pointless......

look at how many wars ....due to religion.....it is a war no one can win....
13. 2009-03-26 21:35  
Marriage wasn't a religious thing, historically, in the West, it was a civil contract, often a business arrangement between two families.

In England, legal religious marriage ceremonies only came in in the late eighteenth century.

A civil partnership is a marriage, just not one celebrated in a church. It doesn't really matter what it's called formally, it's still a marriage.
14. 2009-04-03 15:14  
Did you check the same dictionary for the definition of "World Net Daily News"? It reads as follows*

"A band of narrow minded homophobic fundamentalist bigots who are still living in the 1950's".

I love how they try to criticize anything Gay and all it does is give more awareness and respect from clear thinking individuals about being Gay!





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