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8 Jul 2017

China Bans Homosexual Internet Content

China bans depictions of 'abnormal sexual behaviour' on the internet.

China's infamous internet regulatory body the China Netcasting Services Association (CNSA) outlined a number of new stringent measures curbing internet freedom last week, prohibiting portrayals of homosexuality, prostitution and drug addiction.

Under the new rules, content will be edited or banned if it demonstrates "obscenity" including masturbation or displays "abnormal sexual behaviors" such as homosexuality.

Under the latest decree, which also bans content that promotes "luxurious lifestyles" or shows "violent and criminal processes in detail," online media were encouraged to hire three professional censors stick to the rules.

One of China's most famous sexologists condemned the latest move, according to the Independent.

"First of all, from the perspective of an artist, very few countries in this world set up a censorship system that violates its citizens' freedom to create arts," Li wrote on Weibo, a Chinese microblogging website. "Second, it also violates the rights of sexual minorities to express their sexual preference."

Li Yinhe, China's leading scholar and advocate of free sexuality, also said in a Weibo post that under these regulations, "all audio-visual art will be revoked.

"Trying to regulate and censor people's desires is as absurd as trying to regulate and censor people's appetites."


1. 2017-07-10 19:13  
Don't mess with "morality" in China!
2. 2017-07-10 19:56  
that's just stupid, honey
3. 2017-07-10 23:14  
"Abnormal"... since homosexuality is perfectly normal it is clearly a matter of educating bigots. A few years ago I would have thought that impossible, but after seeing what has happened in the USA in the past 15 years I not as pessimistic as I once was.
回应#4已於於2017-07-12 14:43被管理员删除。
5. 2017-07-11 07:24  
talk about taking a step backward :(
6. 2017-07-11 14:48  
In China they ban lots of stuff like NEWS... so big surprise there.
7. 2017-07-12 07:01  
"abnormal sexual behaviors" such as homosexuality. Hmmmm.....

If we took a peek in to the bedrooms of some of the men and women who make these laws, we might be treated to some REAL perversions.
8. 2017-07-12 17:28  
This I find sinister particularly since Chinese companies have just invested heavily in Blued and have bought outright Grindr. Sinister indeed. They will be watching everyone Globally. I deleted my Grindr immediately I found this information. China is rapidly becoming a backward, totalitarian state focussed purely on money.
修改於2017-07-12 17:30:38
9. 2017-07-14 04:13  
Not surprising coming from a crooked government.
10. 2017-07-14 12:09  
I am seriously over the Chinese government. They refuse to allow people democratic freedoms and now they are on the road to making gay people 2nd class citizens, or even making gay love-making illegal. Shame shame shame. What a bunch of bullies rule in Beijing. They are to be condemned at every opportunity, and all power to Taiwan, Hong Kong and Tibet in remaining or becoming independent of a nation ruled by such a grotesque, unelected, regime.
11. 2017-07-14 21:57  

So no one in China is (supposedly) bent.
let freedom of expression be done elsewhere then.
12. 2017-07-15 11:59  
This is not good. Sad, really.
13. 2017-07-16 05:36  
What are they afraid of...? Happiness? Nice job, moron government. (the US is catching up though... LOL!). Now, more than ever, I wanna be a Canadian.
14. 2017-07-21 03:50  
Yes Canada is the leader for Gay acceptance!
15. 2017-07-30 10:28  
This is beyond ridiculous. But hey I'm not surprised especially since China will not allow people with HIV to work their temporarily but it will allow them to travel there as much as they want
16. 2017-08-01 13:22  
How sad. The terrific series "Addicted" was quickly banned in China, but its lead actors became stars. The public loved them despite the ban. Hope viewers can get around the ban.
17. 2017-09-16 18:55  
that is conservative




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