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22 Jul 2009

A Frozen Flower

Hell knows no fury like a gay man scorned. The superb Korean drama A Frozen Flower depicts a gay king who shares a male lover with his wife, the queen - and what happens when that male lover prefers the queen.


Director: Ha Yu

Language: Korean with English and Chinese subtitles

Starring: Jo In-sung, Ju Jin-mo, Song Ji-hyo, Shim Ji-ho, Im Ju-hwan, Ye Wook hwan, Song Joong Gi, Jang Ji Won, Kim Choon Gi, Lee Jong Goo, Kwon Tae Won

Release Date: 23rd July 2009 

Rating: R21 (Sexual Scenes)


What a month for queer cinema!

The short but terrific run of gay-friendly movies (Sunshine Cleaning and The Love of Siam) over the past two weeks has culminated in the elegant A Frozen Flower from Korea. This gay historical drama was a smash hit when it was released in its country last December. Despite stiff competition from big-budget Hollywood pic, it stayed at the top of the Korean box-office for a few weeks. Way to go, Korea!

Stylish, crisp and beautifully shot, A Frozen Flower tells a fascinating tale of a king, a queen and a male lover they both share. Actor Ju Jin Mo plays a gay king whose bisexual security chief (Jo In Sung) is his secret lover. Pressured to produce an heir with the queen, the king asks his lover to impregnate the queen in his place. 

Ju is reluctant at first, but carries out the deed out of love and loyalty towards the king. To his surprise, as well as the queen’s, their sex quickly becomes steamy. Lust overcomes them as the two continue the affair. When the king discovers truth, all hell erupts…    

A Frozen Flower is written and directed by one of Korea's best young directors Ha Yu, who describes it as "a love story between men". Certainly, it is the male characters who take centrestage in this love triangle, as Ha tries to keeps a fine balance between the emotional drama and the overt carnality. The result is a film that’s both poetic and erotic, punctuated occasionally by superb and bloody fights. Though A Frozen Flower is slightly more than 2 hours long, it never loses your interest. 

Three years ago, another Korean historical drama about a gay love triangle King and the Clown became a huge box-office hit around the region. But if you ask us, A Frozen Flower is much better-made than the former. A must-see for queer audiences.    


1. 2009-07-22 18:57  
This movie is "pridefully" correct. I like it because it doesn't portray gay men as such horny creatures like some other gay movies do. The story is sensitive, the set is lavish, the costumes are beautiful and so are the actors.

Joo jin mo (the King) delivers a subtle yet powerful performance that makes him the character worth watching out for...

A great movie to add in your DVD collection.
2. 2009-07-22 21:04  
Oh and I thought it was yet another shloppy gay love story masquerading as an artsy period piece. Didn't know the storyline was so sick; now I might actually consider watching it.
3. 2009-07-23 16:35  
have they released this movie in australia?? if so does anyone know where to find them???
4. 2009-07-23 22:44  
There was only one gay sex scene in the beginning of film, after which lots of explicit str fucking scenes! So boring! The pic illustration above wasn't even in pic - wonder if S;pore censors cut it - not surprised. neverthless I didn't care much for it - showed gay orientation in a negative dsyfunctional light.
5. 2009-07-23 22:44  
There was only one gay sex scene in the beginning of film, after which lots of explicit str fucking scenes! So boring! The pic illustration above wasn't even in pic - wonder if S;pore censors cut it - not surprised. neverthless I didn't care much for it - showed gay orientation in a negative dsyfunctional light.
6. 2009-07-23 23:29  
I love this movie much....and the whole scenes is still inside my head.
7. 2009-07-24 01:03  
Ya.. the storyline is pretty ok with sad/tragic ending... i like the background music and songs in this movie!
8. 2009-07-24 01:16  
Three words to sum up this movie.... Perverted, Ugly and Tragic..
9. 2009-07-24 01:22  
Just coma back from Watch this movie in cinema..


very recommended movie.

this movie very emotional...
10. 2009-07-24 04:02  
Don't like it much....
回應#11已於於2009-07-24 17:15被管理員刪除。
12. 2009-07-24 17:57  
I love it...
but I also dislike it..
I want more gay sex scene.. :D
13. 2009-07-24 23:56  
Mixed feeling toward the movie.
Very sad ending.
This is a movie with a hidden agenda; Gay-go-str8.
Again, 'Bi' is always annoying...pls make up your mind! a gurl or a boy.

14. 2009-07-25 13:44  
Haven't seen it but you lost me at "castrating."
15. 2009-07-25 19:49  
i m going to find that DVD in here . but i think it not very easy as well lol.
16. 2009-07-27 09:04  
i would consider this
17. 2009-07-28 00:43  
beautiful and unforgettable film.equiped with an awesome plot.perhaps i'm too much of a lesbian.somehow the straight sex scenes are a little hard to stomach for me.
18. 2009-07-30 12:26  
If one is looking for hot juicy gay sex from movie, foget it. This is more of a hetrosexual soft prono. The only gay sex scene is sensored. R21, lots of erotic hetrosexual scene, okay, above 21, everybody can enjoy. Gay sex, everybody is prohibited....non-sense? Story wise, stupid gay fall in love with straight man and much of the movie is like Lady Chattery's adultery except that she has gay husband instead of an impotent one. Poor 'blind' gay man wasted his time. got themselves killed and blamed for despair straight couple who he match-made. Should boycott this movie. Much wiser to spend 'pink dollars' on The Love of Siam.
19. 2009-07-31 21:05  
no better than the previous one ,sorry to say.
20. 2009-08-03 18:16  
where on earth can we find this movie..m' a historical literary period type buff' so anything that is asian seems to be magical...as long as it is well made and the cinematic craft is realized, then it is a better opus..hoep someone from korea might share the movie out here...
21. 2009-08-04 12:49  
many pals here said de gay scene was too few in the movie shown in singapore. the truth is actually there were much more 'boys' love' scene.. but most of it was cut cut cut!!! which i do not understand why the movie has rated R21 n yet still end up important scene not shown..

the 1 we watched in singapore is not full version. If u hv a chance to watch the uncut version, u wl understand the movie better, specially the king showed so much love fr his gay lover.When king visited his lover in de jail (this part was cut). this is 1 of the important part where de king express his love. very sad n yet touching

The actor acted as the king has won himself best actor award in korea fr this movie. I like his eyes.. His uses his eyes expression alot. The eyes that show care,anger, sadness, jealousy, love etc.

Since it is a top hit in korea, meaning is not a too bad movie after all.
22. 2009-08-05 18:44  
Anyone going tp Korean, HK or Taiwan? Will pay for the dvd if u can get it for me.'Want to see it ins original satae be4 the stupid censors cut gay scenes. Why have R21? As if local public are kids, or just trying not to show gay emotions are ok.
23. 2009-08-06 12:45  
Any one looking for uncensored version pls contact me. Only locals cos the copy is in soft copy. I will share this with all my fellow gay mates. Its FOC and you need to bring along ur 4GB thumb drive for storage.
24. 2009-08-14 02:14  
my korean friend mentioned that the actual movie - uncut version is abt 140mins. movie shown in singapore only abt 120+mins.. There r only 2 type of dvd sold in de market, cut or uncut version.if u interested to buy the original uncut version, pls be careful if not u end up buying the wrong version. Uncut version comes with NG shots n the making of the movie with english sub. Selling abt sin$40+ in korea. I think u can purchase online..I can't wait fr a copy send to me by my korean friend.. look forward to this weekend..LOL
回應#25已於於2013-05-21 11:42被管理員刪除。



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