17 May 2001

60 nations keep the flame burning

Thousands from six continents to commemorate 18th International AIDS Candlelight Memorial on 20 May 2001.

The International AIDS Candlelight Memorial is the world's largest and oldest annual grassroots HIV/AIDS event. This year, it is 18 and it will witness the participation of thousands of individuals in 60 countries around the world on 20 May 2001.

Through the years, the Candlelight Memorial has become a way for communities to take action by publicly mourning loved ones lost to AIDS, show support for those living with HIV/AIDS, raise awareness of HIV/AIDS, mobilise community involvement in the fight against HIV/AIDS and to generate worldwide media attention.

This year's theme - One Voice, Many Faces...United for Life was created to embrace the different facets of the pandemic virus.

The original International AIDS Candlelight Memorial was held in 1983. Since then, the virus has claimed more than 16 million lives, with about 34 million now living with HIV and AIDS.

A month from the memorial, the General Assembly of the United Nations will take up HIV/AIDS for the first time, in an effort to identify international action to fight AIDS and mobilise the needed resources. The United Nations Special Session on HIV/AIDS will be held from June 25-27 in New York.

Contact your local AIDS organisation for more details or look them up in our resource section.