31 Mar 2018

In South Korea, Conservative Christians Attempt to Stifle Growing LGBT Movement

South Korea's nascent LGBT rights movement is coming up against stiff opposition from conservative Christian groups.


Conservative Christian groups in South Korea, such as the Anti-Homosexuality Christian Solidarity organization, seek to "cure" LGBT and prevent anti-discrimination legislation passing through parliament, The Ground Truth Project reports.
The Anti-Homosexuality Christian Solidarity has an office with 20 regular visitors.
They advocate for gay cure therapy and are attempting to derail South Korea's Justice Party's plan to extend discrimination to protect LGBT and extend marriage to same-sex couples in the future.
Up against the conservatives are organizations like Korean Sexual Minority Culture and Rights Center, which are promoting LGBT rights and have seen significant growth in South Korea's annual Korean Queer Culture Festival, The Ground Truth Project reports.
Read more from The Ground Truth Project here.


Conservative Christian groups in South Korea, such as the Anti-Homosexuality Christian Solidarity organization, seek to "cure" LGBT and prevent anti-discrimination legislation passing through parliament, The Ground Truth Project reports.

The Anti-Homosexuality Christian Solidarity has an office with 20 regular visitors.

They advocate for gay cure therapy and are attempting to derail South Korea's Justice Party's plan to extend discrimination to protect LGBT and extend marriage to same-sex couples in the future.

Up against the conservatives are organizations like Korean Sexual Minority Culture and Rights Center, which are promoting LGBT rights and have seen significant growth in South Korea's annual Korean Queer Culture Festival, The Ground Truth Project reports.

Read more from The Ground Truth Project here.