12 Feb 2019

Japan launches first LGBTI safe house

Japan opened its first LGBTI safe house in Tokyo this week.

Nijiiro House supports LGBTI people who have fallen into homelessness due to their sexuality or gender identity. It also offers support for mental health issues and employment.
Japan’s largely conservative society does not allow same-sex marriage. There is no nationwide discrimination to protect LGBTI people. Recently a number of As recently reported, a number of LGBT couples have started to sue the Government over lack of marriage rights.

Nijiiro House supports LGBTI people who have fallen into homelessness due to their sexuality or gender identity. It also offers support for mental health issues and employment.

Japan’s largely conservative society does not allow same-sex marriage. There is no nationwide discrimination to protect LGBTI people. As recently reported, a number of LGBT couples have started to sue the Government over lack of marriage rights.

To read more: click here!
