11 Apr 2022

What’s life like for LGBTQ people in Indonesia?

Let’s take a look at some of the key equality indicators.

What’s life like for LGBTQ people in Indonesia? Let’s take a look at some of the key equality indicators.

Is homosexuality legal in Indonesia?

Pretty much. In most of Indonesia, homosexuality is not criminalised. But there are some parts of the country that operate under Sharia law, which criminalises same-sex sexual activity.

Are there anti-discrimination protections in place for LGBTQ people in Indonesia?

No. There are no protections from discrimination on the grounds of sexuality.

Is there Marriage Equality in Indonesia?

No. There is no legal recognition for same-sex relationships.

What’s life like for LGBTQ people in Indonesia?

Indonesia is a socially conservative country. Homosexuality is seen as a taboo subject.

Homophobia is systemic. It appears that censorship restrictions and public decency laws are being used to target and persecute LGBTQ people.

LGBTQ people conceal their sexuality.