1 Aug 2002

safe sex workshop for women in singapore

Recent studies have shown that contrary to popular belief, women who have sex with women are not at lower risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. Find out how to protect yourself - attend the upcoming women's safe sex workshop on 17 August.

RedQueen!, a social and discussion mailing list for gay, bisexual and questioning women in Singapore is organising a women's safe sex workshop and potluck party on 17 August 2002.

Participants at the workshop will learn about sexual health risks, safer sex techniques and practices to protect herself and her partner to ensure the safest experience for both. Safe sex leaflets condoms, dams, gloves and lube will also be available.

The workshop which is open to women only will be run by the female volunteers of Action for AIDS (Singapore).

This event will only be open to guests who RSVP. To confirm your attendance, please email doctordyke@gay.i-p.com with:
-your real name
-your age (only for 18 year olds and above)
-your handphone number
-name(s) of your friend(s)
-what type of food you will be bringing for the potluck. *halal please*
-how you got to know about this workshop.

Venue: to be disclosed when you RSVP
Date: Saturday, 17 August and a party on 23 August 2002
Fee: A small contribution of $5 will go to Action for AIDS to cover the cost of organising the workshop. Donations to AfA will also be gladly accepted.
