1 Apr 2008

Cassandra's Dream

Director: Woody Allen

Starring: Ewan McGregor, Colin Farrell, Hayley Atwell, Tom Wilkinson, Michelle Williams, Sally Hawkins

Release: 2008-04-01

Sigh... Woody Allen's films just get worse and worse. His lackluster new film ?Cassandra's Dream comfirms the popular opinion that his 2005's hit Match Point was really just a fluke.

Weak and predictable, Cassandra's Dream stars Ewan McGregor and Colin Farrell play two down-and-out brothers who decide to kill a man for money. They engage in ponderous conversations about the nature of crime and fate, saying pseudo-meaningful things like "We make our own fate". But in the end, nothing they say really sticks to mind.

Woody Allen used to write great scripts, and his zingers and one-liners from movies like Annie Hall and Manhattan were the stuff people quoted. But his scripts in recent years — with the exception of Match Point — were rife with corn and clunkers. It's sad to see a once great director lose his touch.