Fridae New Lower Prices are Here to Stay
You may have noticed we have changed our Perks Prices, and they have not gone up!

It has been many years since the Perks Prices changed. Over the last few weeks we have been looking at what we offer for Perks and the cost.
We have also been looking at the new features we have coming in the next few months, not only for Perks members but also for free members.
It is our wish to make all features of the platform accessible to as many people as possible. We would love to make everything completely free but unfortunately the Fridae platform has fairly substantial running costs that must be covered.
So we have taken the decision to substantially reduce the Perk costs. Our 12 month package has now been permanently been reduced by 20%.
Fridae gives more flexibility in pricing options than any of its competitors and now with prices that give great value for money.
Perks Prices will now be the following:
1 Week - $1.99
1 Month - $5.99
3 Months - $15.99
6 Months - $22.99
12 Months - $39.99
An Update On Progress
It has been seven months since we took control of Fridae and I thought it was timely for me to give you, the members, an update of what we think we have achieved in that time.
First of all, we know this is not a finished job, far from it. We came into this project with our eyes open with a clear realisation that the fridae infrastructure needed a lot of work. However when picking up code that was written by someone else, there will always be an amount of time simply finding out what it does.
Lets start with what we have done:
- Almost immediately we migrated the site onto a new, more flexible hosting platform. This allowed us to increase hosting resources as needed.
- We were also keen to resolve the problems caused by the picture policy on the site. We introduced a picture moderation policy, which meant that members could then have adult pictures on their profile. Members with perks were then able to view these pictures, while we could filter out these pictures when viewed on the mobile apps, as Google and Apple do not permit them. It was a very interesting time as all of us in the office, having to moderate the hundred’s of thousands of pictures before this policy could be introduced.
- Also quite early on we did realise that the push messaging on the iPhone app was not running and we starting work on getting the service back up and running. Recently we have rewritten the way this push service works for all apps and now the service should react immediately when messages are sent.
- In July we launch version 1 of the web app. This app worked on all mobile platforms and gave a certain amount of functionality for users, including messages and radar searches. We see this as an ongoing development and we would expect to see more functionality in the future versions.
- This was followed by version 1 of the Android app. We tried to get this released as quickly as possible. There have been some bugs to iron out but again we see this as a continuous development project. More about this later.
- We have also reintroduced the credit card facility on the site, initially with Master Card and Visa but we hope to expand this in the near future.
So that brings us to the current day. Over this last weekend we have been launching our new revised Chinese language service. We will be now be publishing editorial articles in Chinese, sending out newsletters and supporting more, the users in this language. This is something I hope we will be able to build on as time goes by.
We have also started a series of travel promotions starting with Hong Kong “Out In Hong Kong”. This is provided in partnership with one of our sister sites It also sees the restarting of the Fridae Travel section with listing of LGBT venues all over the world.
Yesterday also saw the launch of the next major upgrade of the Android App. (Version 2). This includes many layout changes to help make the use of the app easier.
One big complaint we also get from our users is that the picture upload size is very small. We agree, and I am pleased to announce that this has been increased to 5mb.
So what is to come in the future.
Well our biggest development item is the rebuild of the iPhone app. The current app was built for iOS4 and is very out of date. Unfortunately we never had an editable version of this and as a result we can not fix the bugs, the only option is a complete rebuild.
We are also looking at, Real Time Chat, Tribes, Events Calendar, Business/Services Directories, Shop and Flight Bookings, as well as a compete rebuild of the website itself.
We also want to improve the security when registering on the site, to start to filter out any spammers, we know how annoying they can be. We are grateful for those of you who report these people to us. In the mean time please be careful before you give out any personal details about yourself to other members. Especially if their opening line is asking you to send them an email.
We have a few more things planned but I will let you know about them in the future.
We appreciate the feedback and comments the members send through. All get sent through to our development team for consideration. The more constructive the better.
I see Fridae as a community and it is my intention to see this community grow, I hope we can do this together.
Fridae Managing Director
Who we are
It's been a while since we've updated our "About Us" section. In many ways, Fridae has evolved, grown and expanded our scope. We're also now working on some big projects that will further define us and take things to the next level. But first, a recap of where we're at now, and who we are.
About Fridae
Fridae is a social enterprise serving the lesbian, gay, transgender and bisexual (“gay”) communities in Asia.
Since 2001,’s innovative social networking platform has enabled over 500,000 registered members to meet, interact and form lasting relationships that cross borders and cultures. In May 2009, we launched “Version 6”, our most comprehensive technology and design update in over 4 years, making the site easier, faster and a joy to use. A quarter of our members use in Chinese (Simplified, Taiwan Traditional and Hong Kong Traditional).
As Asia’s gay media, Fridae is one of the few independent media sources reporting on gay news in the region, providing a channel for the marginalized and invisible to speak and be heard. Comprising 3 full time editors and over 50 contributors, Fridae’s editorial team publishes over 100 articles each month in English, Simplified and Traditional Chinese, having built a strong reputation for fair and objective reportage, while maintaining the highest standards of journalistic integrity.
To the business community, Fridae is the primary conduit through which to reach the lucrative “pink dollar” in Asia. Fridae’s site is unbelievably sticky (more than 14 minutes per session), and our members loyal (81% visit the site daily). They are also well educated (65% with a university degree or higher), well paid (50% have an annual income of at least US$45,000), and well traveled (65% have traveled in the past 6 months).
To public health professionals, Fridae is an invaluable partner in the fight against HIV/AIDS, and playing a leadership role in the region. Fridae has been a pioneer in the online response to HIV prevention, treatment and care, with campaigns that have garnered international recognition for their innovation and effectiveness, with campaigns such as Think Again and Know Your Status. More recently, Fridae has been pioneering online HIV social and behavioral research on an unprecedented large scale, leveraging our unique connection with the community.
Just like man-Friday was to Robinson Crusoe, Friday's role in the gay community has been multi-faceted and many. We strive to be much more than "just a website", and these are just some of the ways that we support you, our community:
Since 2005, Fridae has raised over S$60,000 in benefit of a variety of gay NGOs and community groups including Action for AIDS, AWARE, Cat Welfare Society; independent filmmakers; Indignation, and PinkDot. Furthermore, Fridae has been a media sponsor of LGBT Pride and Film Festivals throughout Asia, including Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Hong Kong, Taiwan, China and Japan. Fridae has also been supporter of international sporting events such as the World Outgames (Melbourne, Copenhagen, Wellington), the Straits Games (Malaysia, Taiwan, Singapore), and the International Lesbian Gay Football Association.
In 2009, Fridae was conferred the Friend of the Arts Award – the highest level of recognition awarded to a gay company - for its support and contribution to Singapore's arts scene by the National Arts Council. This is the fourth consecutive year Fridae has been recognized, having received the lower-tiered Arts Supporter Award in previous years.
From 2001 to 2006, Fridae was also a promoter of unforgettable dance parties such as Snowball and Nation, which attracted 8000 at its peak, and landed Fridae on the front page of the Wall Street Journal for it’s influence and impact. These events were held in Singapore, Bangkok, Phuket and Taipei.
As a spokesperson and advocate, Fridae has played a lead role in such watershed events as the campaign to repeal 377A in Singapore in 2007.
For almost 10 years (we turn 10 in 2010), Fridae has been a visible and active partner in almost every major gay and lesbian event across Asia. Regardless of our role, whether as a principal organizer, supporting media, or financial sponsor, Fridae strives to achieve its mission to “Empower Gay Asia” and live up to our namesake as “Friday” to the gay Asian community. And as social enterprise – a business with a social mission, we strive towards sustainability and growth that makes carrying out our mission possible.
Fridae: Empowering Gay Asia
Welcome to our brand new Fridae blog.
When I started drafting an outline for my maiden post, I realized how little we've ever explained anything about Fridae. I have always preferred to let Fridae's actions speak for themselves. But I've also learnt that silence can be misconstrued. Without communicating the thought and motivations behind what we do, the action sometimes becomes reduced only to the outcome, and the process is lost.
And so let's start at the beginning.
We are named Fridae after "Man-Friday", one of the central characters from Daniel Defoe's classic novel Robinson Crusoe. We chose the name not because it would conjure images of a scantily clad, mocha-skinned and lithe "native" (not unlike the gay-painter Walter Spies' idealization of the Balinese male), but for role Man-Friday played in Robinson Crusoe's life.
"The term Man Friday has become an idiom, still in mainstream usage, to describe an especially faithful servant, or even one's best servant or right-hand man." (Wikipedia)
In the same vein, we envision Fridae to play the same supporting role to the collective gay and lesbian community in Asia, adopting the tagline "Empowering Gay Asia" as our mission.
Fridae is much more than just a social networking site, or a promoter of unforgettable dance parties. Over the years, we have built a platform for countless gay men and women from all over the world to meet and forge lasting relationships, provided a channel for the marginalized and invisible to speak and be heard, told the stories and reported on news that none others would tell, supported the arts, artists, film makers and writers, and given a soapbox to those who would stand on it and lead the community. In many ways, online and off, we have played both active and supporting roles in some of the key events in the past decade, from Singapore to Bangkok, Taipei to Hong Kong.
And that's just the first 10 years (we turn 10 in 2010). There's much more to come, and we have a fire in our belly that has not been quenched – for we continue to live in a world where lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders are discriminated against, criminalized, and face daily injustices. There is much in our status quo that needs to be examined, challenged and changed. There are many who have yet to enjoy the liberation of simply being who they are without fear of reproach, persecution or being outcast.
Believe it or not, that's the first time I've ever explained the origins of our name in writing. We replaced the "y" with an "e" because "" had already been taken. Besides, it would have been a costly and unnecessarily complicated exercise to trademark a day of the week.
Ancient traditions often believe that names have great power, and we believe the same. To all of you, who have been members of Fridae, both new and those who have been with us for years, we are here to be your virtual-Friday - here to help you be your best.
And here is the full text of the book, courtesy of Google Books - Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe.
Welcome to Fridae, the largest online gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community in Asia. We bring you the latest news on politics, health, LGBT rights, and issues that affect gay Asia. Add your own profile to our personals section to meet new people and chat live to people from all over Asia and the world. We know gay Asia—check out our travel section for information on where to go and where to stay, and find out where to shop with our gay-friendly business directory. Join us in empowering LGBT Asia.