if you know yourself, you always tune on Ftv when you back home immedately. if you buy fashion magazine more than 3 issues a month. and always check you style before you go out. let's check in!
I'm a relationship oriented guy. Versatile, HIV-, no drugs, no drama. Love to laugh. Live right on a lake and enjoy the water. Love to explore, and the DC area has lots of interesting things to see and do. Looking for a decent looking guy, 24 - 39, whose mind is working, has a decent sense of humor and some adventure in him. Someone who says what he means and means what he says.
男性 | 80 | 5' 11"181cm / 176lbs80kg | 白人
Reston, Virginia, United States
在線上: 15個小時前
Ready to make friends here....
男性 | 6' 2"187cm / 174lbs79kg | 白人
Boston, Massachusetts, United States
對象為男生作為朋友, 拍拖對象
在線上: 5個小時前
....who needs friendship?
男性 | 5' 9"174cm / 160lbs73kg | 印亞混血兒
California, United States
在線上: 3個小時前
Hi, I’m David. I'm a nice guy, interested mostly in friends, and more