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19 Aug 2009


Bruno is loud, vain, flamboyant, smug, bitchy, rude, selfish, dishonest, outrageous, mean and oversexed. What’s to like?


Director: Dan Mazer

Language: English

Starring: Sacha Baron Cohen, Alice Evans, Trishelle Cannatella, Sandra Seeling, Ben Youcef

Release Date: 20th August 2009

Rating: R21 (Crude Sexual Content)


British comedian Sacha Baron Cohen – who produced and stars as Bruno – has not done any favours for the gay community. 

Before the film was released, there was talk that Sacha was taking on the role of a gay fashionista named Bruno in order to expose homophobia among common folks. Done in mockumentary style, the film’s modus operandi is this: Drop Bruno in a group of unsuspecting ultra-conservative/religious heterosexuals and see how they react to his open gayness. 

It sounded delicious.

But now that we’ve seen the film, we doubt those were Sacha’s real motives. For starters, there’s absolutely nothing likeable about Sacha’s representation of gay men. Bruno is loud, vain, flamboyant, smug, bitchy, rude, selfish, dishonest, outrageous, stupid, mean and oversexed. Sacha seemed to have picked the worst stereotypes about gay men and stuffed them into one giant dick of a role, just for the pleasure of pissing on everyone.

Now smart people may argue that Sacha is playing on a satirical note so fine that few will get it. But then again, what’s so enjoyable about an A-grade A-hole ambushing people with aggressive gay behaviour? Somebody please let us in on the joke.

Straight people who hate gay people will hate gay people even more after they watch Bruno. If Sacha wanted to put up a mirror for homophobes to see themselves, this is not the way to do it. But if Sacha wanted to play a mean flaming queen so he can offend millions of people, strengthen his reputation as a shock jock, and make more money as an entertainer… then yes, this would be the way to do it.

We do not recommend watching Bruno. 

Bruno is so July 2009. 


1. 2009-08-19 17:43  
I beg to differ. Bruno in the first place was never meant to be a 'gay activism' sorta movie.
2. 2009-08-21 03:40  
chill out - you dont get it do you?
3. 2009-08-21 04:28  
I couldn't stop laughing - Sacha Baron is the master of the mock documentary and his outrageous behavior is totally over the top and all the more funnier for that. This is not meant to be taken seriously - it is a comedy for lords sake - and the full audience never stopped laughing - all ages and all sexes. A must see - the funniest movie so far this year. Ignore the critics - they just don't get it. David
4. 2009-08-21 19:53  
I laughed a lot and cringed a lot. There are very few films that make me laugh to the point of tears, or shock me, but this one did both (in the sense of omg did he really just do that?). But I reckon the funniest bits would have been cut in Singapore, or can someone confirm the talking penis near the beginning made its appearance?

It's really a movie form of the old TV show "Candid Camera" or "You've Been Framed", and like those shows, we know it's a joke on his victims, and we're amazed they can't see through it despite the shocking lengths he goes to that should make it obvious it's a stunt, such as asking a mother if she would be prepared for her baby to have liposuction if necessary before a shoot (she agreed!). It also has a serious side in the shocking attitudes it exposes, such as the lengths some parents are prepared to go to to get their child on screen in the example I just mentioned.

What people find funny is different in different cultures, and humour often doesn't travel, so maybe this is just isn't funny to people who prefer Old Mother Riley (1940's UK humour) a.k.a. "Liang Po Po" evidently still popular in 2000's Singapore, but incomprehensible as humour now in the UK.

I do take the point though that this film may not be helpful in places with limited representations of gay people on screen and where this sort of obvious gross caricature is actually still portrayed as the norm of a gay person, as I have seen in film and TV in Singapore. But I would hope that it might help expose that practise, which appears to be quite deliberate, by helping create discussion of the issue.

回應#5於於2009-08-23 17:17被作者刪除。
6. 2009-08-23 17:16  
Bruno is the most pathetic, boring and emberacing gay movie I ever seen, Sorry for Sachs fans. Not funny and very emberacing for Gays. The Idea he's trying to tell audience is brillian just the way he's putting the film is thumbs down
7. 2009-08-25 23:37  
I wish I can agree with any of those who like "Bruno". I left theater really sick. I wish gay people around the world will be able to resist temptation and stay at home, although it is too late already. There is nothing worth watching there.
8. 2009-08-27 09:43  
it's really a very funny show. just don't get too anal-retentive over it. the other show that left me in stitches was HANGOVER. but BRUNO showed more detailed outrageous surprises!

if the writer said "DON'T WATCH IT", he really means GO WATCH IT! :)
9. 2009-09-03 06:58  
I think your review shows that you have completely missed the point. It may be that the movie works in some cultures and not in others. The pathos of the scene in the boxing ring when a huge crowd who had loved him turned against him and started throwing furniture when confronted by two men making love was the most telling thing I have ever seen related to human nature and homophobia. Everyone in the crowded cinema I was in was spell bound! I recommend that everyone goes to see this movie!





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