Newsletter Issue 688
Oct 15, 2015

Welcome to the Fridae newsletter. We've got all the latest news, events, reports, and interviews concerning LGBT issues in Asia. Enjoy!

Hong Kong

Tongzhi Literary Group: Owen Fung & Andrew Chidgey

Taipei City

2015 Taipei Gay Pride

Hong Kong

Hong Kong 2015 Pride

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News / Features

LGBT supporters unfurl rainbow flag to mark national day in Taiwan

Grass outside Tainan City Hall covered in vast rainbow flag to promote LGBT equality



Human Rights Watch criticises Malaysia transgender ruling

Malaysia's court ruling to reinstate cross-dressing ban receives criticism from Human Rights Watch.



Watch: Documentary reveals Chinese hospitals offering gay 'cure' therapy

The British TV Channel 4 reports on doctors prescribing drugs and electric shocks to gay men and lesbians in Beijing, despite homosexuality's declassification as a mental illness in 2001.



Hong Kong cardinal affirms opposition to same-sex marriage

Hong Kong's Cardinal John Tong Hon has rejected redefining marriage in light of recent developments in USA and Taiwan



International Gay & Lesbian Travel Association conducts Japan outreach tour

From 25 September to 1 October IGLTA traveled around Japan to participate in workshops designed to educate Japanese tourism businesses on the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender market.



Global businesses join together for LGBT inclusion

Open For Business is a business-led coalition to support LGBT around the world



Watch: New Andrew Christian Video celebrates the US National Coming Out Day

Enjoy this emotional video with celebs telling about their coming out. Spread the love.


Queer Up the Campus

LGBTQ activist Tushar discussed his advocacy across India Campus


A Clockwork Orange finally in Singapore!

After more than 30 years waiting, A Clockwork Orange is finally coming to Singapore.


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