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24 Jul 2008

Katy Perry offends with two ''gay'' hits

Newcomer Katy Perry's two singles "Ur So Gay" and "I Kissed a Girl" from her new album One of the Boys have attracted criticism from the gay press and music reviewers in the US for not sending the right message.

And apparently in Malaysia, censors feel the same way. "I Kissed a Girl" has reportedly been retitled "I Kissed" with the words "a girl" censored when the song is being played on radio.

Perry's catchy bisexual flavoured "I Kissed a Girl," which has topped the US Billboard Hot 100, "Canadian Hot 100" and Australian ARIA Charts, has got the Rolling Stone magazine calling it "a vanilla recounting of her chick-on-chick exploits." Reviewer Nicole Frehsee added, "She sounds like the type who makes out with her BFF just to get a dude's attention."

And Frehsee is not alone in her judgment.

Slant Magazine's Sal Cinquemani says the song "isn't problematic because it promotes homosexuality, but because its appropriation of the gay lifestyle exists for the sole purpose of garnering attention - both from Perry's boyfriend and her audience."

Doug Rule of Washington, D.C.'s gay and lesbian news magazine Metro Weekly has called for the singer who "comes across as a taunting, insecure schoolyard bully with serious gender and sex issues" to undergo sensitivity training. "We're just pawns in her transgressive experiments, she has to resort to the unfortunately not-uncommon use of 'gay' sexual identity as a slur - as in, someone no one likes or wants to be."

When interviewed by The New Gay web site, she admits to not having actually kissed a girl and that the song is a" fantasy, it's a song about curiosity."

The 24-year-old former Christian gospel singer and daughter of two Christian pastors who was forbidden to listen to secular music as a child is also under attack from the Evangelical Christian community.

The UK Guardian reported: "What a sad picture of a lost child who has been swept away by the carnal pleasures of the world,' reads one entry on the Christian website Planetwisdom.com. 'We need to be lifting this gal up in prayer. While we're at it, let's toss up a prayer for her parents, too. Not to mention the countless young girls who will buy into this lesbian chic message.'"

Meanwhile, her Nov 2007 single "Ur So Gay" in which she tells her "emo" boyfriend to "hang himself with his H&M scarf" has come under close scrutiny again. Although the song is obviously not about homosexuals, activists have deemed the song homophobic for using the catchphrase "you're so gay" - a phrase frequently used by teenagers to mean 'dumb', 'lame' or any other pejorative.

In his post titled what do you have against gay people, Katy Perry?, blogger Duane Moody wrote: "Katy dear, this is 2008. We need to stop using gay as an insult; being gay is normal. If you use 'gay' as synonym for bad, negative, horrible, stupid, or any of the many other derogatory words it has been used in place of to place insult, then you are propagating and continuing the underlying bigotry that is so fervent in this country. Continuing this form of 'hidden' bigotry is just intolerable, and I for one feel like I must continue to speak out against it."

"It isn't 'cute' or 'funny' that she kissed another girl, it is normal; whether or not she can deal with her homosexual feelings is her problem, not ours.

"If you don't see this as a big deal, ask yourself: would it be cute or funny if she wrote a song about how weird it was for her to kiss a black person?? How do you think that would that go over? Additionally, if she were to write a song about how awful a boy was because he was so "stereotypically black", how would that sound?"

When this writer sent the YouTube links to some gay friends for their comments, it turned out that many are closet Katy Perry fans. Readers, what are your thoughts?


1. 2008-07-24 11:50  
Katy who?

'Nuff said.
2. 2008-07-24 13:32  
Is the mixutre of people culture and political correctness fun or boring?
3. 2008-07-24 13:58  
I hate that stupid "i kissed a girl" song because it reeks of straight girls kissing other girls to turn their boyfriends on...which is a common stereotype of lesbians, that we would do men. Songs like this only serve the purpose of giving straight men funny ideas.
4. 2008-07-24 14:01  
Also i hate the phrase "you're so gay." Ive adopted the phrase "youre so straight" as a retort to anyone who thinks its funny to use such bollocky terminology around me.
5. 2008-07-24 14:02  
i love her !!!

her music are awesome ! :D

6. 2008-07-24 15:17  
i think she is fun, dont take everything so seriously, at least she is blurring the lines and making gay so normal . . .
7. 2008-07-24 15:43  
All the so called gay right groups should get a life and stop whining about everything(that's SO gay) LOL I love the song and so does everybody i know.It's even on the CN radio of all places.
Love u katy
8. 2008-07-24 16:30  
Love those two songs very much!
Her next single title might be 'My Transsexual Girlfirend'. I'm just guessing:D
9. 2008-07-24 16:47  
Give her a break... otherwise if the song were to title "Ur so Hetero" would be so uncool, LOL
10. 2008-07-24 17:08  
The song is a vanilla recounting of her attention gathering exploits: its lame and even the massive post production effects cant disguise the fact that she has zero musical talent.

I imagine the main market for her music is teenage chicks who think kissing their best friend to make their BF jealous is cutting edge behaviour.

Basically she's a bigoted twat with the cool factor of my Grandma's undies.

Her next album should be titled "I'm so cool and really amazing and incredible and hot and much cooler than you, and bad, yeah bad, very bad and cool.. and do you want to be cool like me...and do you wanna be my best friend?".

I'm going to enjoy watching dorkette self -destruct over the next few years. And it might actually be fun to dance to the remix if she tops herself...hmmm, now THAT would be cool. LOL
11. 2008-07-24 17:35  
Attention attention! cried Miss Piggy
I just love attention!
12. 2008-07-24 17:58  
I actually do like "I kissed a girl" and I would totally kiss Kate Perry.
13. 2008-07-24 19:13  
She's pretty and talented but just really dumb
14. 2008-07-24 19:24  
"Ur So Gay" is a pretty funny song but I can see how the word can be offensive. The fact that I can't suggest an alternative word goes to show that there's hardly any other label to pin the ex-boyfriend's lame behaviour on and thus it's quite wrong to pin it all on being "gay"
15. 2008-07-24 20:52  
I don't actually think it's that offensive..I'm gay and seriously, some dude just wear their clothes so gay..LOL.
I wear my clothes gay too sometimes. Haha.
Just substitute "gay" for "emo" and that may makes sense..but you do not want to offend emoes.

And "I kissed a girl" doesn't reeks of straight girls kissing other girls to turn their boyfriends on seriously doesn't really listen to the song..it's about curiousity and entertaining it.
A straight girl curious about kissing a girl and going ahead with it.

Meh. I like the songs anyway, and so do my gay friends. We have no problem with it.
16. 2008-07-24 22:10  
I think "i kissed a girl" is a pretty fun song honestly, it shouldn't be taken too seriously.

In fact, I was SURPRISED when I first heard it, I was like - "wow, a song about homo people in mainstream music? that's a breakthrough!"

At least now some ppl will know that some girls out there actually kiss girls, and some boys too. there are too many ppl who don't even know gay ppl exist and have all these strange pre-conceptions about them.
17. 2008-07-24 23:39  
DamonX,I dont see what there is to be curious about and you just proved my point with your little rant. Also no i dont think i need to listen to that offensive song again because if you took the time to actually analyze the lyrics you would see that i have every right to be offended as a lesbian...It is nothing more than a typical tune about some horny straight girl.
18. 2008-07-25 01:01  
19. 2008-07-25 01:19  
20. 2008-07-25 02:56  
I think Malinda Lo of AfterEllen.com said it best when she said:

"You know how straight girls get drunk and make out with their straight girlfriends while they're out at a club (or in a hot tub) with their boyfriends? Well, now there's a theme song for them".
21. 2008-07-25 07:53  
"I kissed a girl" by Jill Sobule is a much better song
22. 2008-07-25 08:03  
There may be elements in her lyrics that may be deemed homophobic. But whatever happened to the freedom of expression? It's everyone's right and at least her songs are catchy. People read too much into things. Instead of criticising a ditzy girl, we ought to take it in stride, assume the higher ground and be magnanimous.
23. 2008-07-25 08:47  
I have seen her perform "I Kissed a Girl" on a tv program here in the States. As a lesbian I was initially offended by the 'kiss' being used as a way to 'leveage' the boyfriend. As the song progressed, I simply got bored with it. I ended with the view that this is a very immature 24 y o who is using 'gay curiousity' as a means to charge her career with controversy and gain attention.
The song is silly and her performance is mediocre. Aside from noting this at the time and mentioning it here, I don't have any more energy to give to the matter. Don't waste too much thought and concern on this nonsense.
24. 2008-07-25 13:16  

I did a mix of her "I Kissed A Girl". You can download at the following link.


Feel free to leave constructive comments. Enjoy!
25. 2008-07-25 13:20  
i hate her and her song,shes using the gay theme to get fame,besides the song is poorly produced.open your ears people.
26. 2008-07-25 15:52  
oh aztlan_oz, I'd much prefer to be termed as a lower class 'queer', than a homosexual, given it's a medical term used to described a mental deficiency.
27. 2008-07-25 16:49  
OMG, the gay movement has become so parochial. Cinquemani and Rule sound just like their born-again counterparts!

Boys, chill!

Katy must be laughing all the way to the bank from all the free publicity she's getting; attacked from all sides, this is what makes someone famous, no matter how boring her songs area.
28. 2008-07-25 17:34  
who cares? gays take things too seriously...
29. 2008-07-26 04:22  
Whoa, how did it go from 'former Christian gospel singer & daughter of Christian pastors' to homoerotic billboard hit single?

I'm 100% sure that if she were a guy & wrote a song titled "I kissed a dude" it won't climb up the charts and will instead get lots of 'your a fag, just die' comments on the youtube video.

Some friends i've came out to and have no qualms about my sexuality do apologize if they said 'your so gay' in a joking way with their other pals. I guess they just can't help it, it's been programmed into their poor heterosexual brain. I'm not really offended thou, coz me & my gay friends do tease each other 'neanderthals' (referring to stupid str8 men) :)
30. 2008-07-27 14:06  
Souldrifter; your'e so cool dude. You drifted the song from critism to 'dance' mood.
32. 2008-07-31 21:11  
What the hell happened....cant play the song anymore. Is fridae following the CN government??
33. 2008-08-01 17:26  
Oh for heaven sakes, lighten up! I get tired of hearing about these gay groups that get offended over every little thing. They certainly don't speak for me and I'm not the least bit offended by her music. Her music isn't my style but I do get a laugh out of the lyrics. If they have a problem with it, just don't listen to it. It's that simple.
On another note, being that she is the daughter of preachers. It doesn't surprise me one bit. Just about every guy I know that is a preacher's kid, turned out far sluttier than most guys I know. I'm not saying Katy is a slutt, but they tend to go against what their parents stand for. I know, not all of them do.
34. 2008-08-05 20:55  
hey everybody, check out "I kissed a boy & I liked it" lol:

35. 2008-08-06 23:37  
I could go on forever posting a rant on how easily offended gay groups often get, but instead, I'm just going to let out a deep sigh, count to ten, and prented as if I never read this article. It honestly makes me want to punch someone. I'm gay, I'm proud, but these gay groups do not represent me a bit. Like many others, I find "I Kissed a Girl" quite fun and entertaining.. it's definitely on my ipod most played list. If anything, it's these so called gay groups that annoy me most, not Katy Perry. I swear, get a life, people.



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