I am Reinhard Jamie , a business man and single father but have not been married for seven years as I lost my partner. This had really ruin m happiness and so lonely. I own vast acres of farmland , comes along with a ranch , horses , livestock , poultry and also a real estate agent and own my own real estate company which worth more than 2billion euros. I am trying to expand around the globe. I travel a lot.
男性 | 5' 8"173cm / 83lbs38kg | 混血儿
Dallas, Texas, United States
在线上: 一天前
To make new friends all around the world
男性 | 61 | 5' 11"180cm / 224lbs102kg | 白人
New York City, New York, United States
对象为男生作为朋友, 聊天对象
在线上: 2个小时前
男性 | 72 | 6' 2"189cm / 169lbs77kg | 白人
Garden Grove, California, United States
在线上: 19个小时前
Caucasian man looking to share my life.
男性 | 62 | 5' 11"180cm / 154lbs70kg | 白人
New Britain, Connecticut, United States
在线上: 10个小时前
Hi Everybodies :) You ask me for money, Then It Is Over!