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Community & Activism
形式婚姻,顾名思义,就是婚姻只有形式,而无实质内容。也有人称为互助婚姻。男女同志迫于来自家庭、社会等各方面的压力,以及自身性取向的原因,由男同志与女同志组成的没有性关系的形式意义上的家庭。表面上看来,这是个由一男一女组成的正常家庭,而实际上,“夫妻”双方在生理和人格上都保持独立,是借助婚姻的形式,抵挡外界的压力,在婚姻的保护伞下获得爱的自由。 Source: http://www.hudong.com/wiki/%E5%BD%A2%E5%BC%8F%E5%A9%9A%E5%A7%BB 家族公开于面对父母/家庭催婚压力而正在考虑形式婚姻的男女同志们,借此让大家有彼此认识,交流的机会。
Community & Activism
Recruiting gay men and gay friendly straight men to form a men chorus in KL, M'sia. You not necessary have to know how to read score or you don't necessary have to sound good in order to join. As long as you love to sing with a group of MEN, then write to me at jcks1977@gmail.com and I once we have enough number of members then I will email/sms/call you to inform you our very first meeting. This is some info about the choir to be: No. of members: 20 to 40max. Only open to GAY and GAY Friendly STRAIGHT MEN. Age group from 18 and above (we need older man too!) Once the choir reach a certain level, we might travel oversea for concert or competition or just simple travelling together. Practice/Rehearsal day: will be informed only after the first meeting made (need to discuss among all). Races: No limitation, we want open-minded chinese, malay, indian, caucasian, white, black, yellow, blue, green... haha... anyone is welcome. Extra note: take a look at others country Male Choir at youtube or google it, you might find the reason why I want to do it in our love country 1Malaysia. Sincerely, Jeff Featuring: Singing togetherness, positive activities in gay community, making friends, traveling around the world, free teaching by professional choir trainer
Community & Activism
在湖南的天体爱好者 QQ群:26145474 加入请注明:fridae
Community & Activism
This is a restricted community of men who are aroused by brotherly love and who feel more comfortable expressing their sincere interests/love/good will to men by performing non-penetration sex or aptly coined "Heroic Homosex". Examples of non-penetration sex are frottage, cock rubbing (dick to dick), sex wrestling, sensual massage, kissing, hugging, bone on bone, mutual jerk off, hand job, and oral. Men of this kind has been crowned G0Y (Spelled ZERO) by the community. While the G0Y community perceives anal as something detestable, we do wish to advocate a non-discrimination policy here whereby although the tops and bottoms are not to be invited to this tribe but that doesn't mean that they are disliked or looked down on by the tribe members. To ensure that the members of the tribe are true practitioners of non-penetration sex, membership is by invitation only. Once you have become a member, you are free to socialize. You have all the rights to say what you want to say to the tribe members but I would expect you to act in a peaceful manner. I understand that many of us though haven't been practicing anal sex may find watching anal sex pleasurable. That is acceptable to me personally. You are still welcomed to be a part of this community. You might also want to read more about heroic homosexual here: http://heroichomosex.org/ Last but not least, have fun.
Community & Activism
Community & Activism
Welcome to the family of language exchange,In the family, you can learn Chinese, but also to learn English, help each other, mutual understanding. Now, let us live here, from strangers to close friends. Chuang Liang:^_^ 欢迎你到语言交流家族,在家族中,你可以学习中文,同时也可以学习英语,互相帮助,相互了解, 现在开始,让我们从陌生人成为知心朋友吧。 梁闯:^_^
Community & Activism
Community & Activism
The Worldwide Community of HOMOTA operated by a staff of homosexual ppl. We are waiting for you to join with us.. http://www.douban.com/group/homota/
Community & Activism
A place for gay Asians and their admirers in Melbourne to meet
Community & Activism
Community & Activism
Community & Activism
Community & Activism
Tribe for chubs, bears, chasers, admirers, and all our allies in Malaysia. Everybody is welcome with big bear hugs!
Community & Activism
this is for gay guys, who live in Mongolia
Community & Activism
Fellow members of Second Life (www.secondlife.com)


Community & Activism

Created: 2010-01-06

Members: 8

Fellow members of Second Life (www.secondlife.com)

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