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14 May 2001

sporty spice

For the more adventurous dykes and queens, climbing towering rocks or jumping down roaring rapids may be your idea of a great, fun time.

With the prevailing image of the body beautiful flashed, it is no wonder gays and lesbians take to the gym with fanatic enthusiasm and are not ones to shy away from a challenge; from a shop-a-thon, to water and ball sports, drag races, pair skating and ballet.

However, finding the right outdoors sport is as personal as finding the right lubricant. Don't fret, help is on the way. Step one is to talk to gay and lesbian sport groups specialising in the outdoors. However, for the gay and lesbian daredevil there are a few other factors to be taken into account.

1. Make sightseeing a priority. You want to make sure you can look up and see some-one's quadriceps flex and stretch. And with a bit of luck, spot their Calvins or g-string.

2. Think group sports. Not only are group rates cheaper, they also provide for more adventure.

3. Review your health insurance. Better to be safe than to be sorry. Injuries are part of sporting life and offer endless opportunities to be looked after.

4. Clarify your goals. Be honest with yourself and others. If you're in it for fun,- they might join you. If you're in it to be the head-bitch, make sure you have your hand bag ready with compulsory eyelashes and nails. Cat fights are never pretty but so much fun.

5. If going overseas, make sure you familiarise yourself with the lingua franca. Pulling the rope might mean just that, or it could mean the obvious.

Rock Climbing

Many mountaineers say they climb a mountain simply because it is there. Sounds like a gay and lesbian motto if ever I heard one.

Apart from the frottage and the sweat; the adrenaline rush, relying on your own strength and agility to make it to the top might explain why rock climbing is popular with gay boys.

As for the lesbians among us, it is all about forming a relationship with the rock, listening to it, defining its stability and in time negotiating a move.

Novices can take one-day beginners' classes in preparation for any number of expeditions. A few training sessions will familiarise you with tying the knots, practicing the rope works and exploring safe climbing techniques. Once you're confident enough to go all the way, there are surprises waiting just about anywhere. After a huge climb it is important to cool off. On many climbing trips there are pristine pools waiting to slow down your heart rate while observing the wild life in the many bushes.

As swim gear is not part of the clothing essentials be prepared to see a bit of flesh and a nipple or two.
Scuba Diving

Water, fish, wet suits, cavities, mysterious dark tunnels and pinnacles soaring up from the murky depths; is it any wonder many gays and lesbians think about this sport when on a tropical vacation.

If you can fill up your bath, pinch your nose, close your eyes and go under without panicking, this might be for you.

For the uncertified divers, a pre-scuba adventure usually consists of a morning pool session introducing the equipment and practicing some essential skills before going on a guided shallow dive with your supervisor.

If you are serious about scuba diving, you had best start a course at home before jet setting overseas. To become a certified diver you will need some classroom knowledge, such as the effects of pressure on the body, the air regulator and the amount of nitrogen absorbed in your blood. After practicing your life-support tools in a pool you are ready to jump into the big blue sea.

Hollywood soap operas create a fear of shark attacks, but the truth is that sharks are actually very placid around humans and far more interested in seals. Also remember that your guide will know where the shark-infested waters are and stay well clear of them. Besides, most butch lesbians are tougher than sharks.

On a serious note, "the bends" is a decompression sickness which can occur when you go too deep and come up too quickly, the decreasing pressure turns nitrogen into bubbles in the blood. The sickness is often treatable and can be avoided by having a 3-minute safety stop at 15 feet, ascending slowly and breathing continuously.

Remember to stick close to your guide and do as he or she says.


Canyoning is a relatively new sport and only gained popularity after nineteen tourists died in a canyoning accident in Switzerland. There is no such thing as bad publicity I suppose.

Canyoning consists of hiking, climbing, rappelling to a river canyon and following it to its point of exit. With lots of jumping in and out of water and the ups and downs of this trip, you will need a wet suit.

A usual run looks something like this: up the canyon, hike and look for water works. Then it's downhill through a water slide. The erosion of the water and sand means that the slide is smooth and fast. With the amount of natural lubrication all you have to do is sit on top, push and scream. It's over before you know it and you reminisce as you watch the next person go down.

The appeal of canyoning stems from the fact that every canyon is different and has its own special features and challenges. As they say, one cave is never the same as another.

How safe are all of these adrenaline adventures?

When choosing any sport, it is important to have an experienced guide who knows the ins and outs of every cave, waterfall and rock. Many sports are designed for beginners all the way to the certified experts. Training is always a big part of any sport, so practice makes for fun.

Unless you live in Holland or Bangladesh, you will be able to experience these sports just about anywhere. Check for gay and lesbians sport adventures in your country or when going on a holiday.

On a final note, put plenty of sun lotion on your delicate skin and moisturize when you're finished with that rock. We don't want you to spoil your good looks for the sake of one adventure. And do keep your nails short, dear.







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