Lisa C. is an openly out lesbian DJ and TV producer who is the co-organiser of the latest womyn's party in Singapore - The Flower Party, held monthly at the smaller underground clubs.

The 29-year-old who moved back to Singapore in December 2001 told Fridae that she is going to "make the first openly gay and lesbian film in Singapore, [and] make it look so casual you'd think you were eating lentils in Little India."
About Lisa
æ: Who was the first person you've told about this interview?
lisa: No one. Was I supposed to?
æ: What's on (or in) your nightstand or desk right now?
lisa: A speaker, a phone and a lava lamp (I am the proud owner of 3 lava lamps)
æ: What do you do on your usual Saturday night out?
lisa: There is nothing usual about my life, so it varies from week to week. Some Saturdays find me playing scrabble with my mum, some find me throwing up down a toilet from too much vodka. Either way I have a good time.
æ: What did you want to be when you were growing up?
lisa: A scientist at primary 2, then when I realized you needed to be good at maths, I changed my mind and wanted to become a graphic designer. Sadly, I achieved neither.
æ: Do you believe in monogamous or open relationships? Are you in one?
lisa: I believe in both depending on what your priority is in life at the time. I have chosen to be in a monogamous relationship because I have met the most beautiful woman in the world and I would like to keep her to myself forever. And yes, I've been in this relationship for almost 6 years.
æ: What's your favourite TV series/ movie or book?
lisa: TV series - Sex and the City / Movie - Bladerunner, Alien series, Elizabeth and Bound (of course) / Book - The Passion - Jeanette Winterson
æ: What are your favourite websites (other than, of course)?,,,
æ: What kind of pet(s) do you have? Why?
lisa: I have 2 cats named Whiskey and Bruni. They share my home with my mother's cats, Twinkle and PJ. Why? Cats are the most beautiful and cosmic creatures on the planet. I am absolutely in love with my animals.
Being gay/coming out
æ: When did you realise you were gay or lesbian? What was it like?
lisa: I didn't like kissing boys. Simple. What was what like? The not liking kissing the boys or the simplicity of knowing I preferred girls?
æ: Are you out to family and friends? If yes, could you tell us something about your coming out experience? Is it an important factor in your life?

æ: Do you work with/support any gay or lesbian community groups? Tell us how and why you support the group?
lisa: No I don't though I would very much like to - show me the gay or lesbian communities who are recognized here in Singapore and I'll be there.
æ: Have you ever encountered prejudice because of your gender/ sexuality at work or in your personal life? How did or are you dealing with it?
lisa: Hmmm, silent prejudice maybe, but nothing that's been in my face. I'm not very easy to intimidate and I think it comes across to the rest of the human race. I have been very, very fortunate that in my places of employment, there's been absolutely no prejudice over my sexuality. I wouldn't work for a company who were not equal opportunity employers. But on the other hand, I treat my sexuality with such ease, that my colleagues, bosses etc, feel that it really isn't such a big deal either. If you're not comfortable in your own skin, then how can those in your immediate space feel comfortable around you? I think it's about treating things and situations with simplicity no need for bloody drama.
æ: What do you think we need most in Asia's gay and lesbian community?
lisa: RECOGNISED COMMUNITIES!!! A Mardi Gras! Support groups for both lesbians and gays and their families - its no secret that dealing with one's own homosexuality (initially) is not easy for the person concerned or for his/her family. It's also not a secret that counselling helps - but we need people to recognize that we exist in the first place. It's a domino effect I guess. All things in it's time oh I could go on about this one... I especially think that gay marriages should be legalised in Asia.
æ: What advice would you give to someone who is trying to come to terms with his or her sexuality?
lisa: Listen to yourself - not what your family or society deems. You live your life for yourself in the long run. And it's ok to NOT come out if it's detrimental to your life. Closets aren't only for clothes.
Aprs Interview
æ: Tell us something about your first sexual experience or the first time you fell in love?
lisa: You're kidding right? That's none of your business!
æ: What is your favourite fantasy?
lisa: Angelina Jolie, Charlize Theron, Monica Bellucci and my girlfriend on a king sized bed with not a lot on.
æ: What is your kinkiest experience?
lisa: Angelina Jolie, Charlize Theron, Monica Bellucci and my girlfriend on a king sized bed with not a lot on.
æ: What's the stupidest pick-up line you've ever heard?
lisa: Ha! I heard that just last week and my friend Sandy will attest to it, this very young butch number came right up to my face and said, 'Wahhhh, you're very PRETTY!!!' It was very funny and stupid. Bless the girl though. She seemed very drunk.
æ: Which is sexier, mind or meat? And why?
lisa: Depends how much vodka I've had.
æ: Towel or tissue?
lisa: Why towel of course. They don't stick to a wet body like bloody tissue.
Flower Party III: Bloom (Women only)
Venue: The Liquid Room, 76 Robertson Quay, Singapore
Time: Thursday, May 30, 9pm
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