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1 Mar 2004

outrage over bush's support for gay marriage ban

Gay rights groups have condemned US President Bush as he urged the US to enact a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage.

Referring to the Massachusetts courts which supported same-sex marriages and San Francisco's decision to allow over 3,000 gay and lesbian couples to wed in the past two weeks, US President George Bush announced that he supports a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage.

US President George Bush announced that he supports a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage.

Speaking from the Roosevelt Room of the White House on Tuesday, Bush who had always stopped short of saying that would endorse a constitutional amendment that would ban gay marriage, announced his endorsement of the amendment saying that he wants marriage to be defined exclusively as a union between a man and a woman to prevent the meaning of "the most fundamental institution of civilisation" i.e. marriage from being "changed forever."

Bush also denounced recent court rulings in Massachusetts that said that anything less than allowing same-sex marriage would not end some forms of discrimination against committed homosexual couples. He called the rulings "an aggressive attempt to redefine marriage."

"After more than two centuries of American jurisprudence and millennia of human experience," the president said, "a few judges and local authorities are presuming to change the most fundamental institution of civilization. Their actions have created confusion on an issue that requires clarity."

"The union of a man and woman is the most enduring human institution, honored and encouraged in all cultures and by every religious faith. Ages of experience have taught humanity that the commitment of a husband and wife to love and to serve one another promotes the welfare of children and the stability of society.

"Marriage cannot be severed from its cultural, religious and natural roots without weakening the good influence of society.

"I call upon the Congress to promptly pass and to send to the states for ratification an amendment to our Constitution defining and protecting marriage as a union of a man and woman as husband and wife."

Prior to making the announcement, the President has been said to be under intense criticism from conservative Christian groups as several key conservatives said last week that their followers would desert the Republican Party if the president did not announce his support for the amendment.

Meanwhile, civil and gay rights groups have reacted with outrage over the President's comments. Shortly after the announcement, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) called Bush's announcement "a declaration of war on gay America."

US President George Bush announced that he supports a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage.

In a statement, the NGLTF called the move a "despicable new low " and charged that he had done so "solely for political gain."

"This is nothing more than a transparent election year ploy to use our lives and families to drive a wedge into the electorate and divert attention away from the critical issues that face our country. Marriage equality for same-sex couples harms no one. As the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts has said, 'the history of our nation has demonstrated that separate is seldom, if ever, equal.' Yet, the President calls for just that: separate and forever unequal rights for gay Americans."

The Human Rights Campaign, a national gay-rights group, calls Bush's words "un-American and shameful."

Cheryl Jacques, president, Human Rights Campaign said in a media release: "To use the Constitution to discriminate against our families is un-American, shameful, and divisive. Constitutional amendments have historically served to expand liberty and equality - such as giving women the right to vote. This amendment would be the first to reinstate discrimination in our Constitution. There is no doubt in my mind that the American people will see this as an ugly and discriminatory game of politics. Americans remember the president's promise to be a uniter, not a divider. Today the president has broken that promise."

Bush has however left the door open to civil unions in which state legislatures are "free to make their own choices in defining legal arrangements other than marriage."

Meanwhile, San Francisco went on the legal offensive last week, suing the state to overturn laws that stipulate marriage must be between a man and a woman.

United States


1. 2006-05-27 01:00  
Good to know that all these "conservative" Asian countries are making progress. I hope Singapore's Indignation festival is bigger this year. What about Malaysia? Any gay festivals there??
2. 2006-05-27 18:08  
Why would any self respecting Asian Gay man or Lesbian define them selves by a white mans slur, does it now mean it's alright to call Asian people 'slope heads' or 'gooks' Woman 'kunts' or 'sluts' or africans or african Americans as 'Niggers' ? all are white mens slur terms, 'Queer' a traditional white mans slur term is no different to 'fag' or 'Poofter' 'nigger' 'Kunt' or 'slope' etc. return 'queer' to the dustbin of history where it belongs, one expects more from asian people than to succumb to the lowest forms of white trailor trash philosophical decay, 'queer' is neither revolutionary or even remotely clever, we don'g all live our lives as if on a John Waters film set 'queer' is both pathetic and very uncool
3. 2006-05-29 21:05  
It's interesting to see that men is indeed a fearful creature.Give him the smallest cause for bias and it will grow into a monster. When will the backward straight world learn that Gays and Lesbians are the same, except for their sexual orientations. It would seem straight people would only show disgust at a rally of straight sex workers but will probably choose to attack a harmless gay one.
Sigh. I salute the brave gay men and women of this Russian rally.

The next worse culprit is the Church. Our present Pope is a known homophobic who wears prada. I wonder if it's repressed homosexuality? They do say black servant denalists in a white master household during the American civil war makes the best nigger bosses.Michael Jackson is really a white man with extra talcum toppings. I wonder if they would crucify Christ again if another Code shows our Savior does indeed LOVE men. Come to think of it, he does, doesn't he?..Oh dear, we are all damned !..:P
4. 2006-05-29 21:31  
......really sad..hope those supporters are fine...
5. 2006-05-29 22:05  
I have grown up as a christian... one of the most important things in the religion is 'to love one another' ----- christians are just so into themselves that they forget to do just that.

if they are so great why are they out getting involved with street riots where people get hurt? a lot of christians are the worst terrorits around...

am i right??
6. 2006-05-29 22:34  
Russia's shame continues.
But the eyes of the world are watching!!!
8. 2006-05-29 23:44  
Its a sad day for the GLBT community in Russia...but the fight must go on!!!

It also served as a reminder that we must NOT take for granted the freedom and recognition that we have in chicago or any parts of the World, either via pride parades (june 25) or having a section of the town dedicated to the GLBT community like the one we have here in Chicago...boystownchicago, or in SF.

Be Strong...Be Brave...!!!

9. 2006-05-30 00:47  
You've got it spot-on, kel00. TRUE Christianity is all about love & charity; yet, from what i see in such incidents (& many others), is clearly found wanting. Of course I dont mean to label ALL Christians, but the fundamentalists have tainted it to such a scary extent that i couldnt recognize it anymore. And for this very reason, i became an agnostic.
10. 2006-05-30 03:00  
Don't think the country gone too far with developing truly democratic society. What gay life? First of all elementary freedom and right of free expression should be granted to the whole population, when society is healthy and truly free there will be place for gay life and for tolerance. For now result is predictable- trying to penetrate walls of Kremlin with peaceful intentions is a good idea. In theory.

12. 2006-05-30 10:29  
i'm gay since 10 years ago? is it illegal?
i'm like to hang out with other gays? is it illegal?
i'm like to partying and dancing? is it illegal?
i'm like to be what myself are? is it illegal?
i'm like to meet up with people? is it illegal?
i'm like to have same sex session? is it illegal?

why must the words of homphobia become as line to us? why must our sexual interest become as an illegal act? why must people hurt us? why must they anti to us?
++IS IT?
is it because of our lifestyle? is it because of we have samesex interest? is it because we are 'dirty'? is it because of we are not giving a birth? is it because we are not the real human?
what we want here is to live in peace without any disturbance.. what we want is live without fear.. what we want here is we live in what we choose and not what people choose for us.. what we want here is legal and rights..
we never hurt people physically or mentally.. we never disturb people.. we never beat up people.. we never throw the rocks on people..
i know what i'm into, i know what i'm doing, i know what my interest, i know what i got when my life end, i know my family reject me, i know society will neglect me, i know GOD will never forgive me BUT i just wanted to be what myself are, i just want to live without fear, and i didn't wanted to follow those stupid rule made by and idiot person..
please keep respect to each others life if you (nationalist/orthodox/religious/anti-gay person etc etc) want your life and yourself to be respected..
13. 2006-05-30 11:09  
those brave people... love should not have to hurt in such a way.

you have my respect and warmest regards. you make me yet prouder of myself, my resolve yet stronger.

we must continue to stand up, be heard, be LISTENED TO... and be ourselves.
14. 2006-05-30 11:17  
If Religion can be used as an excuse to perpetrate crimes and promote hate, how can it be good? If there were truly a god, would he/she want for this all to happen? If you ask yourselves these questions, other thought come to mind - Perhaps atheism is not such a bad idea. For if there is no God, there is only Man to blame. Simple, isn't it? Does religion have all the answers?

15. 2006-05-30 11:18  
Answer to ritzharris:

People are afraid of the unknow, worry that they will be overcome by the unknow. "Gay" to them is the unkown, worry of becoming gay or becoming the minority makes them feel insecure. As a result violence is what they see as a resolution to supressing "gay" movement.

The truth of the matter is, no one should be afraid of anyone. People are people, just becasue we are diffrent in race, sexual preferences, culture, religon, sex, etc. Doesn't make us anywhere different, underneath the skin we are all the same with same human DNA.

In fact, it's all about "Power". Human hunger for power, power of controlling others. To gain that power, one of the easiest way is to inflict fear. That's what it's al about...Power thru fear perceive by ignorance.

I don't think we'll ever get a peaceful resolution in regards to :gay" vs "staight". It's like the Yin and Yang, they will always be the opposite. Maybe the day when human evolves to a stage where society is total based on "outward" intellegence (knowledge focus on expanding and exploring the universe), where domestic issue is of a lesser importance. Until that moment, we just might be able to achieve a slight, remote possibility of the so called "Utopia"., that is when gay and straight issue will live in a somewhat dormant stage....but then, is it a resolution?

16. 2006-05-30 15:18  
I am appaled to see a country that has suffered so much from oppression behaving like this. Where the state does not protect any one segment of its population, it allows the thugs to take control. I would urge the Russian people to ensure that their Government lead and take Human Rights to its natural level. Namely "Equal Righs" for all consenting, Caring, loving Adults!
18. 2006-05-30 15:34  
Discrimination, be it about your race, sex, age, religion or sexual orientation, has always led to some form of violence; from verbal insults to physical assaults.

Ignorance can be dangerous. People need to be educated.

The question is: How?

Why are we so hard to be accepted? What kind of image do we have? What would a straight person think after having watched an episode of "Queer as folks"? Do we need more stories like "Brokeback Mountain"?
19. 2006-05-30 17:26  
Isn't that so typical of backward Russia.
20. 2006-05-30 17:45  
Great reading! Lots of other articles on glide.org too. Free and confidential HIV testing in church too? They are truly angels on earth!
21. 2006-05-30 17:45  
Do Russians want, also, to ban or delete Tchaikowsky, Nijinsky and Nureyev?
22. 2006-05-30 18:16  
they r no different from the Nazis Nazi Germany,, they cannot tolerate people who are different
23. 2006-05-30 19:04  
This article sums up the true meaning of the church...alas we forget in our everyday lives!!

Accordingly, Jesus loves the neglected, the hunger, the poor, the "sinners"...and last but not least, Mary Magdalene, who is/was a prostitute...

Today's Vatican is so way off, when compared to the work that Jesus is known to make!!


25. 2006-05-30 23:02  
Great Church!. That is what a church suppose to be.

Not discriminate but accept and love each other.
27. 2006-05-31 01:15  
now, that's nice to read, unlike the previous article.
28. 2006-05-31 09:55  
"For any progress the world makes, it would take 50 years for our country to come up to it"

This was what my father said to me when i asked him on the possibility of a female prime minister here in Malaysia.

If 'Men Only' Spas continue to receive the honour of a front cover news, depicted as sexual crimes rather than the licensing boo-boo they were booked for - then i must say

I have said hello and goodbye to the one and only Mardi Gras EVER in Malaysia.

welcome to Stockwell town, bois & grrls...
29. 2006-05-31 16:51  
All are sinners.

Anyone who dares to claim that he or she is not a sinner , is most welcome to step forward to enlighten everybody about himself or herself , to enlighten the whole world about himself or herself .
30. 2006-06-01 04:07  
Touching story. Brought a tear to my eyes. Its wonderful there are places where we can be accepted unconditionally. Not have to hide or explain ourselves. Its great to read a positive story of love and acceptance. Even being embraced. Unconditional love. Gives me hope that there can be safe and positive places for us.
32. 2006-06-01 04:52  
Here are the videos,
33. 2006-06-01 07:26  
Glide Memorial is one of a great many welcoming open and loving churches in San Franicsco. Dr. Kee would be more than welcome at St Francis and St. Mark's as well !
34. 2006-06-01 07:39  
I was under the impression that this was the 21st Century...was I dreaming...

I wake up this morning to read this story of FEAR and HATE and well then I felt compassion for those that are FEARFUL of things they don't understand..

I blame the Government (cause lets face it) POLITICS and RELIGION are the the two greatest DIASTERS in history....when will people realise and when will the majority of people start to think for themselves...

I remember that the first GAY MARCH in Sydney was met with the same amount of FEAR and HATRED by all concerned...but now it is one of the BIGGEST and BEST gay pride marches in the world.

I thought that RUSSIA particularly MOSCOW was supposed to be the new up and coming place to be... SHAME on YOU...this radical movement has just thrown you back 30 years...

To all the people that marched and stood for what you believed in...HANG IN THERE cause you will have your day...

35. 2006-06-01 12:18  
interesting topic there..
36. 2006-06-01 13:39  
It was about time...

En buenahora!
37. 2006-06-01 15:36  
Those who bravely stood up - brought out the ugliness of people that would have otherwise been disguised and hidden. These are real matyrs who exposed the evil. What do they stand to gain from all it? The major benefits goes to the whole gay population - to fight a deafening silence meant to subjugate those, the masses and in power, are afraid to deal with or simply just don't like..

Nikolai Alexeyev is an angel. The parade may spoil the peace, but now the whole world has watched and knows. That is important. Silence = death.
38. 2006-06-02 07:03  
wow at last someone for us to droll over, i am tied of Angelic
39. 2006-06-02 07:40  
what else can i say ... human by day ... super hero later on in the day ... when a kid is growing up ... he/she is exposed to books and comics which impresses upon him/her that super heros are what makes the world go round ... and they view their parents to be of similar attributes. however, not every parent ... working and supporting a family can afford to squeeze into such body hugging tight lycra outfits jumping off rooftops and appearing at the speed of a second to "save the day". sometime a kid's mind wanders ... and imagining the super heros mingling without their suits cum into play here ... can u imagine Christian Bale meeting up with Daniel Craig ... saving the world together ... and then "blowing" each other off ... wouldn't that be such a nice alliance :-)
40. 2006-06-03 07:52  
Yes Glyde is a great church - a bit of a 'show' on Sundays. There are many churches these days of many denominations that are welcomeing to all people. At Christ Church Cathedral in Darwin they say "... we seek to share God's unconditional love of all people regardless of age, race, sex, marital or family status, sexual orientation, disability or wealth." p- Many chruch now adopt similar statements and are not ONLY for gys and lesbians etc - So ".... seek and hyou shall find..." God love us all - Hugs - to all who need a hug today -
41. 2006-06-03 16:07  
what are to be proud about.. where's the pride. look back into the gay community itself. how ignorant we are to others and even to our own. other than many selfish act for lust, fame and glory... what are gay if we see from the outside...
gay = homosexuality = free sex = drugs = s&m = etc etc
try to understand the outside community.. we cant expect them to just ecept and understand all this. even we ourself some can still understand all this.
gay community so call.. have to be part of this world.. be involve in major things in this world.. what the heck are we doing trying to create havoc and a different world just for us to be accepted so we can fuck with license and do it openly. provoking the elderly who we know will not understand no matter how much we explain.. cummon guys.. they will pass by... understanding comes with time.
look at the bigger picture here. we are living in this world... no other place.. so stop the strugling and the fights for rights. we already got them... only some of us kept asking for more. stop the prancing and dancing... help fight the poverty and lets look at the poor countries.. instead of pride for being homo.. why not pride of helping other because we have the heart that understand of whats going on around us...*sigh*
when we live in a community and we are a minority.. we should understand and respect the custom and the majority.. acceptance will come with respect.
42. 2006-06-04 23:31  
I personally have no objection of having gay or les members in a congregation because my experience tells me that they are nice, friendly and most important, considerate and helpful ones in the group.

As long as they do not conduct unusual behavior such as holding hands, kissing or anything too intimate; because there are children in the church too and we all know we need to respect others and not to make the parents feel uncomfortable seeing such unusual behavior which may give their kids some kind of negative effects.

Everybody should have the right and privilege to worship God in a church environment without prejudice and discrimination of any kind.
43. 2006-06-06 04:39  
ture shock. ^^
There is no knowing what the future may bring forth[may hold for us]./ We don't know what is in store for us. seoul korea!

many outside pepol say! to me! ' korea have a gay

ba? when i hear like this! i am so sad! cus korean cultur! in korean freedom contry and many gay
place ... but many foreign tourist dont know!
where is gay place...! and gay life...
some pepol tall me! seoul !like same pyoung
yang? oh ! ho! hahaha! anyway
can not easy to find gay information... abt korea!

if you want to know abt gay korea pls send me
e-mail 2 me ! jony@seoul.com
44. 2006-06-10 10:52  
i'm a huge fan of comics, especially comics with lesbian storylines, like, purgatori (ddp) - lesbian vampire with lots of gore; gen13 (image/wildstorm/dc) - issue #2 sarah rainmaker comes out or any comic with a female lead always seem to have some sort of lesbian connotations (you can tell when a heterosexual male has written it and when a woman has). it's an ultimate dream to have a hidden identity, get the chick and save the world, or destroy it! ;) so, i don't see the problem. actually, i'll be keeping my eye out on "batwoman". no doubt i'll be subscribing it!





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