Hi, I’m David. I'm a nice guy, interested mostly in friends, and more
男性 | 66 | 5' 6"168cm / 160lbs73kg | 白人
Los Angeles, California, United States
對象為男生作為朋友, 拍拖對象, 傾偈對象
在線上: 8個小時前
男性 | 22
United States
在線上: 5個小時前
Hello, new and long-time friends!
男性 | 63 | 5' 11"180cm / 216lbs98kg | 白人
Johnson City, Tennessee, United States
對象為男生作為朋友, 拍拖對象, 傾偈對象
在線上: 14個小時前
Hello from LA
男性 | 69 | 5' 1"156cm / 110lbs50kg | 日本人
Los Angeles, California, United States
對象為男生作為朋友, 拍拖對象
在線上: 36分鐘前
Back in the US and living in Palm Springs and married to a great Filipino man.
男性 | 77 | 5' 8"173cm / 165lbs75kg | 白人
Cathedral City, California, United States
對象為男生作為朋友, 傾偈對象
在線上: 一小時前
I'm Lin so lovely to be with
男性 | 25
Houston, Texas, United States
對象為男生作為拍拖對象, 波友
在線上: 5個小時前
I am Reinhard Jamie , a business man and single father but have not been married for seven years as I lost my partner. This had really ruin m happiness and so lonely. I own vast acres of farmland , comes along with a ranch , horses , livestock , poultry and also a real estate agent and own my own real estate company which worth more than 2billion euros. I am trying to expand around the globe. I travel a lot.