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25 Jun 2023

Podcast recommendation: The SG Boys

The SG Boys is a safe space where all are welcome.

If you're looking for a queer podcast to add to your playlist, check out The SG Boys.

Each 30-minute episode delivers colourful, earnest conversations on life lessons, pop culture and love.

Fronting the podcast are Joshua Simon and Sam Jo.

Joshua is a radio presenter - regularly securing big-name interviews - and also a singer-songwriter.

Outside of co-hosting the podcast, he is a radio presenter in Singapore, known for his interviews with the world’s biggest stars, from Katy Perry to Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds. Joshua’s interviews have crossed millions of views on YouTube.
He is also an independent singer-songwriter whose debut album, titled Filthy, was hailed ‘one of the best albums to come out of Singapore' by music publication Bandwago

Sam Jo is a seasoned media professional and content creator.

The podcast regularly features guests and tackles pop-culture and lifestyle topics relevant to the LGBTQ community in Singapore.

You can find the podcast from The SG Boys on Spotify, Apple, and other platforms.


1. 2022-03-19 21:23  
Just downloaded the podcast. Looking forward to listening to what this show is all about. I had no idea that Singapore was so socially conservative. (Same-sex activity is illegal) Are he people and government living in the 19th century?
2. 2022-11-17 08:23  
In all societies, gays constitute only about 4% of the population, so naturally the overwhelming majority do not understand or empathise with homosexuality. Look at the video Matt Walsh Asks Maasai Tribe “What is a woman?” and you'll see their mentality:

So even in high-tech developed societies like Singapore, the majority just treat homosexuality as wayward. Even though nominated member of parliament (NMP) Siew Kum Hong petitioned for the abolition of 377A in 2007, arguing that the clause discriminated against homosexuals and bisexuals is “unconstitutional", another nominated member of parliament Professor Thio shot it down by saying "Anal sex is akin to drinking water by inserting a straw through the nose." - even though some straights are practising it.


11 years later, she said, "There is no established human right to sexual orientation in the realm of international law, and no necessary relationship between a “common secular space” and repealing 377A.


The problem in Sg springs from a small but very vocal religious group as well as the non-religious conservatives who, out of ignorance, fear and exaggerate fears over the consequence of decriminalising gay sex, arguing that it will ruin family relationships, promote paedophilia and spread AIDS. However, the social climate is improving as shown by a survey that more and more of the younger generation shows greater acceptance of homosexuality.


3. 2023-03-27 05:10  
Fridae currently only has a few hours of lucidity per day.




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