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Arts & Culture

Visual and performance arts, musicians, artists, performers, critique
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Arts & Culture
For fans of sculpture, meet other fans or sculptors.
Arts & Culture
actually, for everything.
Arts & Culture
hi there xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Arts & Culture
A friendly space for those with an interest in music alternative to the mainstream
Arts & Culture
For dancers / dance enthusiast! All types of dancers are encouraged to join: contemporary (hip hop, oriental, fusion, tribal), traditional (folkloric, etc). Share the news and information of dance classes, workshops, and scenes in Southeast Asia, Asia, or better yet, around the globe!
Arts & Culture
looking for film makers, festival organizers, camera women, script writers, producers to build a transnational network. we are running a festival in berlin, germany and already cooperate with friends in asia, us and europe. www.asianwomensfilm.de
Arts & Culture
Lovers and creators of bear and gachi muchi manga unite. Join us and share, talk, and explore the masculine, sexy and fun manga that is BARA!
Arts & Culture
GLOBAL BEAR COLLECTIVE: We are global bears of all races who believe in community through art, pop culture and celebration. We are OSO ORO, and so are you. Enjoy!
Arts & Culture
Arts & Culture
:) like everything sexy
Arts & Culture
Hi everyone, I am a student artist from Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts doing a photographic projects on cultural stereotypes and social ambiguities in Singapore. I am looking for people and couples of all demographics to partake in this series. Every participant would receive a copy of the work. I would really appreciate your help and spreading the word to your friends. For more information please contact me at vincent-keong@hotmail.com Or you can check out my facebook group page @ http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=111616532188971 Thank you very much!
Arts & Culture
Welcome to all of you who are interested in chinese civilisation and culture! Chinese civilisation dates from several thousand years. Do we know enough about chinese customs, traditions, culture and etiquette? It would appear that even ethnic chinese are not totally familiar with them. So, who is going to start and enlighten us?
Arts & Culture
Warm welcome to all those of you interested in knowing more about Korean culture and civilisation. Ever wondered about the distinctive features of Korean customs and etiquette? Want to find out about the development of Hangul , why most Koreans share only five family names, why gimchi has such an omnipresent place in Korean diet, what instruments are used in traditional Korean music, how to wear the hanbok, or what has contributed to the Korean Wave, the rise and spread of contemporary Korean culture, music and cinema throughout Asia Pacific and the world? Want to know where to download Korean pop music or films? Want to learn and practice Korean language? Come and share your knowledge! Welcome to your tribe!

Korean culture and civilisation

Arts & Culture

Created: 2010-06-23

Members: 52

Warm welcome to all those of you interested in knowing more about Korean culture and civilisation. Ever wondered about the distinctive features of Korean customs and etiquette? Want to find out about the development of Hangul , why most Koreans share only five family names, why gimchi has such an omnipresent place in Korean diet, what instruments are used in traditional Korean music, how to wear the hanbok, or what has contributed to the Korean Wave, the rise and spread of contemporary Korean culture, music and cinema throughout Asia Pacific and the world? Want to know where to download Korean pop music or films? Want to learn and practice Korean language? Come and share your knowledge! Welcome to your tribe!

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