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24 Dec 2008

Campbell Soup stands up to anti-gay group

It's time to switch to Campbell's if you have been buying any lesser soup. Unlike McDonald's, the iconic soup company is standing behind their ads that feature a same-sex couple and their son despite a boycott threat by an anti-gay group.

The Campbell Soup Company is standing their ground against the anti-gay right wing Christian American Family Association (AFA), which has taken issue with the iconic soup company's print ad in a national LGBT news magazine in the US.

The AFA accused the company of "embrac(ing) (the) homosexual agenda" and launched an action alert campaign urging consumers to email Campbell and demand they stop "pushing the gay agenda" and then call the Swanson division directly to ask that it "remain neutral in the culture war."

It further accused Campbell's of "normalising" same-sex families, something they consider deeply dangerous.

"Not only did the ads cost Campbell's a chunk of money," declared the action alert on the organisation's web site, "but they also sent a message that homosexual parents constitute a family and are worthy of support. They also gave their approval to the entire homosexual agenda."

Campbell bought two, two-page advertisements in the Dec 2 and Jan 13 issues of The Advocate to promote their Swanson line of broth. The first ad featured the female proprietors of a New York City restaurant and a young boy having soup made with Swanson Chicken Broth. The accompanying text identifies the women as openly lesbian Cafe Forant chef Lea Forant and her partner, Carolyn, and the boy as their son. A male chef, Christopher Lee - who is not identified as gay or straight - appeared on the opposite page alongside a turkey and gravy recipe.

The second ad features Lee on one page and another male chef on the other alongside chicken and roasted lamb recipes. Neither man's sexual orientation is identified.

The two-page spreads are Campbell's first foray into the gay market.

Campbell spokesperson Anthony Sanzio said the company stands behind the ads.

"Our position on this is pretty straightforward. Inclusion and diversity play an important role in our business, and that fact is reflected in our marketing plan," he was quoted in Advertising Age as saying. "For more than a century people from all walks for life have enjoyed Campbell's products, and we will continue to try to communicate in ways that are meaningful and relevant to them." Sanzio said plans for the Swanson brand include further placements in The Advocate.

The AFA, which defines its mission to "change the culture to reflect Biblical truth and traditional family values," has launched protest campaigns against numerous organisations for various reasons including support of pro-choice activism and LGBT activism including same-sex partner employee benefits.

American Family Association's history of protests and boycotts
Probably best known for initiating a 9-year boycott against the Walt Disney Company in 1996 for reasons including Disney's offering domestic partner benefits for employees and hosting "Gay Days" at theme parks welcoming gay and lesbian people to attend the company's theme parks with their children, family and friends.

In 2005, the 31-year-old group - with reportedly an annual budget of US$14 million (2004 figures) according to Right Wing Watch - launched a boycott of Ford for advertising in gay magazines, donating to gay-rights organisations, sponsoring gay pride celebrations and providing domestic partner benefits. It only ended a two-year boycott after the automaker largely stopped advertising its Volvo, Jaguar and Land Rover (the latter two have since been sold) vehicles in the gay media, reported The Washington Post. The automaker, however, has said it stopped running all niche advertising when the economy soured.

In 2006, the group urged consumers to boycott Kraft Foods for being a sponsor of the 2006 Gay Olympic Games in Chicago. Marc Firestone, executive vice president, corporate counsel, and corporate secretary, of Kraft, released a company-wide letter stating: "While Kraft certainly doesn't go looking for controversy, we have long been dedicated to support the concept and the reality of diversity. It's the right thing to do and it's good for our business and our work environment."

In August 2008, the group announced their boycott of Hallmark Cards for their decision to start selling same-sex wedding cards. Hallmark spokeswoman Sarah Gronberg Kolell responded to the protest saying, "It's our goal to be as relevant as possible to as many people as we can."

A month earlier, the AFA announced a boycott of McDonald's for "aggressively promot(ing) the homosexual agenda" by having a director on the board of the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce and for a US$20,000 sponsorship of the chamber's annual fundraising gala. The boycott was lifted in October 2008 after the company executive left the gay business group. McDonald's officials said the former vice president of US communications left his US post and returned to an executive position in McDonald's Canadian operation. The Chicago Tribute further reported that the American Family Association said McDonald's had notified it that the restaurant giant has no plans to renew its membership in the chamber when it expires at the end of the year.

The AFA issued a press release declaring its victory and quoting from a McDonald's memo sent to its franchisees and which various media reported as a McDonald's memo: "It is our policy to not be involved in political and social issues. McDonald's remains neutral on same-sex marriage or any 'homosexual agenda' as defined by the American Family Association."

Gay journalist Michelangelo Signorile wrote on his blog on Oct 15 that when he tried to verify the accuracy of the quote, McDonald's public relations firm said the company will "neither confirm nor deny the authenticity of the 'email to McDonald's franchised owners' referred to in the release."

Write to Campbell Soup:
As posted by Rashad Robinson, Senior Director of Media Programs on Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD)'s blog

It's commendable that Campbell Soup Company has taken this important step to be inclusive of all families in their advertising. But, unfortunately, they will be hearing from the AFA and their supporters, who want to make our families and our lives invisible. It's vital that you contact Campbell's and thank them for fairly and accurately depicting our lives - and for not giving in to the demands of anti-gay organizations.

Since the AFA has asked their supporters to contact Campbell Soup President Douglas Conant and follow up with a phone call to the Campbell Soup Company and Swanson, we are asking you to do the same, and include Director of Corporate Communications Anthony Sanzio (who is quoted above in the Ad Age interview) in your thank-you. Let them know you appreciate their strong support for LGBT families.

Douglas Conant, President

Anthony Sanzio, Dir. of Corporate Communications

Or use this easy-to-revise 'pre-written email complaint' to send a quick letter of thanks to Campbell Soup right now (as suggested by blogger David Schmader on slog.thestranger.com)?

Reader's Comments

1. 2008-12-24 22:12  
we boycott dbs. they boycott campbell.

same script different cast.
2. 2008-12-24 22:35  
no - its not the same. we don't infringe on others' right to consensual love, while day do.
3. 2008-12-24 22:43  
Screw them!
4. 2008-12-24 23:39  
Please show our support to Campbell Soup Company!
5. 2008-12-25 00:04  
so what lah...what a big deal...against or support we, gay people's life, still goes on :)
6. 2008-12-25 00:24  
eYiew, boycotting dbs is not the same as boycotting Campbell. In fact, the two are completely different.

You seem to imply that the AFA and the gay community have similar objectives. They don't. One is purely offensive, the other is defensive and just trying to mind its own business.

The AFA was created with the sole objective of hating the gay community. In other words, it is a hate group. Without the gay community, it has no purpose.

The gay community just exists as a product of nature. It was not "created" to work against the AFA. It will exist whether the AFA exists or not.

Boycotts by the AFA are solely intended to attack the gay community that is minding its own business.

Boycotts by the gay community are for self defence: to stop funding its attackers.

Two very different things.
7. 2008-12-25 00:58  
These straight right wing pieces of shit should stop meddling and start cleaning their own backyards. Isn't it more important to find ways to stop married men from fucking around outside and help abuse teens get off the streets and drugs than to constantly target on kind hearted gay people trying to make a positive difference.
8. 2008-12-25 01:17  
hi all, i used the AFA's "complaint letter" and submitted the below.


Dear President Conant:

Thank you for valuing diversity and inclusion as shown in your Swanson ad taken out in "The Advocate." Though I live in Singapore, I've read about the ad campaign (depicting a same-sex family). I work for a Swiss investment bank and can see the significant value of diversity and inclusion ingrained into a corporate culture. We have a Global Diversity and Inclusion unit specialising in this area.

The global gay market is approx. 665 million (which is about 10% of global population).

An Indiana University Kinsey report stated 10% of males being more or less exclusively homosexual and 2% to 6% of females being more or less exclusively homosexual.

A 1993 study (The Janus Report on Sexual Behavior) found 9% of men and 5% of women were involved in frequent or ongoing homosexual experiences.

These estimates are conservative as not all gay people are "out". The actual figures though unknown are generally agreed to be well above 665 million.

I've been a consumer of Campbell products for decades and am most glad to know that there is an enlightened leadership team behind the world's favourite soup company. Thank you once again for acknowledging the gay demographic segment of the market. We do enjoy the ad, and I for one will be enjoying Campbell's fine products for many more years to come.

Merry Christmas.

9. 2008-12-25 03:01  
hmmm... hungry for soup anyone? =p
10. 2008-12-25 09:33  
Always hungry;-) Never enough.

"Please sir, may I have some more?"
11. 2008-12-25 11:37  
LOVE CAMP-bells!
12. 2008-12-25 12:13  

This link "easy-to-revise 'pre-written email complaint'" actually goes to AFA website.

If you use this link to send your thank you note, you indeed send a complaint note to Campbell for promoting same sex advertising. Be careful!

I do not know how to contact Sylvia Tan. If someone does, please have her correct the link.

You don't want to double the damage by helping the enemy...
13. 2008-12-25 13:11  
Lov ya, Campbell!
14. 2008-12-25 13:29  
to support Pisium
Can the webmaster contact Sylvia Tan to say that the weblink given above is wrong? Thanks
15. 2008-12-25 16:09  
I just bought 2 cans... always my favorite brand. Didn't know they are so friendly towards the gay community. :)

Ya, the gay agenda- we buy soups!
16. 2008-12-25 17:38  
Anyway, what's wrong with advertising on the Advocate which is read by LGBT? Some members of the AFA may be closetted gays which read the magazine but pretend to hate gays. This has happened before in politicians and high-ranking officers, CEO and even clerics.
17. 2008-12-25 18:28  
*shall make campbell soup this weekend*
18. 2008-12-25 22:04  
I grew with Campbell soup all my life. Up to now, Campbell is still my best companion when hunger strikes. It had yet to fail me. Is a trusted choice.
Kudos Campbell! Long live Campbell.
19. 2008-12-26 04:11  
To the Executives of Campbell, Sylvia Tan for reporting, fridae for posting and ct_vision for his keen insights and statistics: thank you all! What a great way for Christmas Eve...miracles can do happen. I have sent my mail to the recommended e-mail addresses provided for the two gentlemen and let them know about fridae.
AMEX has been advertising on gay.com for years and, I suppose, many of the AFA members have one of their credit cards to keep them afloat. Otherwise I cannot imagine whay they have not assaulted them!
Although the term has gone out of fashion, DINKs do have considerable discretionary income and as such, Campbell, besides being contemporary are also very astute. Their soups are a great way to keep someone from starving in the middle of the night without all the effort...hard to find here in China, but a great reminder to stock up on their tomato soup next time I am in a supermarket which carries their brands.
And, the Swiss banking system seems to have an enlightened philosophy as well (this is strictly in relation to the comment posted by ct_vision).
All the best to all and, keep eating soup, the right brand!
Sincerely, J.
20. 2008-12-26 09:25  
To #12 pisium and others:

copy and paste #8 ct_vision's revision of the original complaint letter on AFA's website.
Then send it to Campbell Soup.
Comment #21 was deleted by its author
22. 2008-12-26 10:34  
Greatest Christmas present for gay couples all over the world. :))

That is exactly what is sorely need for the glbt-
corporations (& people) with backbone.
And a brain.
Once combined, we need not be afraid of any attacking arrows flung in our direction ;))
23. 2008-12-26 11:05  
the ad looks bad, do lesbian mothers really look like that? looks like a bit of stereotyping with the glasses and short hair and blond kid . ... they look more like mother and daughter than real partners. . .could be sisters . . ? not even a wedding ring on their hands. . . good effort, but needs better execution, Campbells needs a better ad agency to get more power for their buck
24. 2008-12-26 11:07  
a real parent would never put their small child so close to the hot bowl of soup . . . maybe they need a real daddy to consult in the future
25. 2008-12-26 12:59  
ok, so the Campbells soup company earns a gold star from us queers. Congrats Campbells; sincerely. I've added Campbells to my list of companies to support and promote....check that one off my list of things to do before I die. From now on when I'm at the local grocery, I'll triple-up on my soup purchases. Can anyone post a comment explaining in clear Enlgish, exactly what is the so-called,"gay agenda"? ....with previously mentioned "brains and backbone" please post, for everyone's reading pleasure, the "agenda" that makes us so threatening to those sex-obsessive, minority-oppressive, self-important, all-exclusive X-tians? And then go a baby step further and explain what is so wrong with having an "agenda"? "Agenda" seems to have taken on an ominous connotation, a euphamism for, "an opinion or plan that many people don't like". I'd always thought our "agenda" was the quest for equal human rights under the law. Destruction of family and all mankind had never entered my mind, until the X-tians planted that idea in our collective conscience.
26. 2008-12-26 13:30  
why no pic of gay daddys? but come to think about it, we would never serve our kids soup out of a can in the first place. . . hey , we are not all gay Kevin Federliners
27. 2008-12-26 19:01  

Obviously the ad is not representative of ALL lesbian mothers, any more than Bradgelina is representative of all hetero parents :)
This is just tthe beginning... they will definately include a more accurate depiction of a lesbian or gay family life, if we give Campbell's a little more time...& a little more chance. Shooting it down while it was just beginning to fledge its wings is not just ungracious, but counterproductive in the long run. Now's the time for us to join forces, not create divisions.

And caesar2003:

Ah yes, our 'Agenda' had always been about equality & inclusion regardless of sexual orientation, & to a certain extent, nationality, background, etc. But somehow, our mesasge almost always got bastardized halfway by religious crazies who seem to see an 'agenda' everywhere & in everyone (hmm...if u ask me, it's pretty revealing what religion does to ya) LOL- & what better way to release their own sexual repression than using aggression on 'those weirdo queers'? ;)
28. 2008-12-27 08:08  
This reminds me of a song/poem when we were kids:
Campbell's Soup
Makes you poop
Down your leg
and out your boot.

Thanks for the memory!

BTW: Bake chicken (covered) with Tomato & Rice or Creamed Mushroom. Same for pork chops....... deeelicious! Anymore great Campbell's recipes?
29. 2008-12-27 08:10  
This reminds me of a song/poem when we were kids:
Campbell's Soup
Makes you poop
Down your leg
and out your boot.

Thanks for the memory!

BTW: Bake chicken (covered) with Tomato & Rice or Creamed Mushroom. Same for pork chops....... deeelicious! Anymore great Campbell's recipes?
30. 2008-12-30 22:54  
Ugh, those religious zealots make me wanna puke Campbell soup into their faces

Sorry to digress, but just recently I was watching Boyzone's "No Matter What" video clip and minding my own business, when this homophobic bastard commented they're spreading a 'dangerous gay propaganda to the public'. When I commented back what he meant by dangerous and how even more dangerous homophobic hate groups and bullying on gay people have lead to suicides, he didnt reply.

*calms self down*

Anyway, all hail Campbell's soup :)
31. 2009-01-02 21:03  
If we "use this easy-to-revise 'pre-written email complaint' to send a quick letter of thanks to Campbell Soup right now" the letter will actually go to the American Family Association. The AFA will probably not forward a letter against their campaign to the company. An Address for the president of Campbell Soup is provided above. Use that address instead.
32. 2009-01-06 07:00  
Regardless if the advertisement represents gay, straight, black, Asian, or disable persons, Campbell Soup has been around as long as the baby bottle, wherein as many children switched from formula or milk to Campbell Soup.

These days no firm can fully please adversity groups that have been formed in a 'free speech society" and firms should not expect to do such. The goal of marketing is to sell a product, and gay people eat Campbell Soup too.

Hang in there Campbell Soup Company--this gay man family loves you!

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