BeLonG To Youth Services in Ireland has launched a new advocacy campaign targeting anti-gay bullying The Stand Up! LGBT Awareness Weeks will be held April 4-15 in schools and youth services throughout Ireland. The campaign promotes positive awareness of LGBT young people, tackling homophobia and homophobic bullying, and building allies among young people and youth workers.
During Stand Up! Week youth workers and teachers will offer all young people who participate in their centre/school the opportunity to participate in fun and educational activities. These will increase awareness, build supportive links among young people and reduce the incidence of bullying and name-calling. The Educational Pack for Stand Up! Week will include a poster, dvd and actitivitys for each youth centre and school and stickers for young people.
Reader's Comments
Homophobia is something that will Always be part of life, here and in every country and culture, but, that said, various groups and State organisations are committed to stamping it down, as much as possible, and a number of mainstream civil rights/equality groups are working towards gay equality in Ireland. So, this video isn't very surprising for me to see.
Indeed, perhaps Fridae readers (and correspondants) should also be aware that Ireland is due to start holding its first Civil ceremonies for gay people very soon, this year (no, they're still not Quite as Equal as conventional Straight marriages - but a damn sight closer to it, with related laws to give more rights to gay men and women also due to come into effect then too). Quite apart from our national need to create greater equality, we also have European Union responsibilities to address societal inequalities here, too.
Not only that, but there's is a high chance that a gay man and politician - Senator David Norris - will be the next President of Ireland. Nobody bats an eyelid about that; his sexuality - or his Much younger BF - is not an issue for his candidacy. As he himself has said, he thinks the Irish people are pretty bored of his sexuality, and would rather just see what He, as a person, could bring to the role, rather than just being 'A Gay President'.
Yes, we have a Lot of work left to do to create equality here in Ireland. However, we're going in the right direction, and it's encouraging to see camppaigns, and videos, aimed at stamping out homophobia. On an island that still has terrorists on the loose (as was seen by that young policeman who was murdered in Northern Ireland by a car bomb just at the weekend), we know only too well, from decades, that the policies of hate and intolerance can not win, and must be stamped out.
This applies not just to our long-standing religious bigotry between divided communities, but to the intolerance shown to equally blameless people - the ordinary gay men and women of Ireland, whether a teenager at school or a senior Senator running for the Presidency...
Still, he's a Very popular person - probably Ireland's most famous gay person - and is a popular guest at many events, and, yes, he has Always been a strong advocate for gay rights and equality, and has Never allowed anyone to treat him badly just because he's gay.
The reason I think it's interesting that he's running to be our President (which Sounds impressive, but has no real power, and just means you basically greet whatever visiting kings etc come over) is that I Constantly read Singapore's government talking about what a 'conservative' place the country is. Well, doesn't half the world think that Ireland is some very conservative place - yet We're still moving on with addressing gay people as equals?
It's also worth pointing out, by the way, that he's not the only gay politician here - we had a recent General Election, to vote in a new government (as we're in Such a bloody mess now), and a few openly gay politicians were voted in around the country. The point is, if you give adults the choice about What's important to them, and What they want their politicians to to, and how they will represent them, what that politician's sexual preference is does Not matter a damn to most people. I think there's a lesson there for SG's Gov - however, it's not about to start permitting true civil liberties, equalities and a free-thinking population any time soon...
Gay couples are required to give three month's notice to the General Register Office, and then away they go - lots of hotels here have been gearing up to try and attract 'gay marriage' parties, and to try and cater for gay guests, and their friends and families, in this way. You can be sure that tomorrow's newspapers will have some smiling photos of newly-hitched Mr and Mr, or Mrs and Mrs, couples.
'Gay Marriage' (which it isn't) is still not quite as equal as heterosexual civil ceremonies in Ireland - for example, there are no laws against Marriages of Convenience, so there are several civil marriages being performed which are, say, seeing Eastern European women marrying other foreign men here (to enable non-EU men to get Visa rights, typically in exchange for money), with many just meeting for the first time at the ceremony, and both needing translators to exchange their vows of 'eternal love', but the Gardai (police) have no legal powers to stop these ridiculous marriages - but, again, it's moving in the right direction...
The 'first' Civil (wedding) Ceremonies for gay people took place in Ireland this week, once the civil partnership law finally came into effect. (Actually, the courts already gave permission for 6 or 7 before yesterday, but Those people did so in secret - getting court special permission to get married Before the law came into effect would immediately make you think that one of each couple was dying, or something extraordinary that they could not wait til yesterday, so yesterday's couples were the 'first' since the law passed.)
Were there any protestors outside? Were there any religious people, or homophobes? Did the sky fall down? No, of course not. Nobody batted an eyelid; there were Lots of TV crews and reporters and... err... that's it. It was just another news story, down near the end of the programme, and Irish society, and the general public, don't give a damn that gay people can have a marriage ceremony like this now - though it is NOT yet full equality, of course.
Now, I Do hope that Singapore's Government, and Malaysia, and a few other places can take note that a religious country/society - okay, we're Not really, not any more, but we Are still fundamentally a Catholic country - can accept gay people, and gay partnerships, and create legal and civil rights and protections for them, as well as committing towards working out more yet to come.
Ireland: 1;
Homophobes: 0.
the answers (in possibility order) because they :
1. jealous and feel insecure
2. never taste cock
3. have smaller cock
4. evolutionary retarded
5. feel ugly
6. realize one day they will get married and have plenty of children, headache indeed
7. too chicken to have gay sex
so, be proud dear fellow brothers...
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