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19 Feb 2014

Gay blogger, Zhao Peng, taken to court by internet company 58.com in Beijing

Zhao Peng, who is a popular and openly gay blogger in China, has been in court today.

Zhao Peng entered the court room draped in a rainbow flag, carrying abanner explaining his grievances with 58.com and chanting LGBT slogans.

58.com is taking the gay blogger to court after he accused the website of "discriminating against gay people" and asked for 500,000 yuan (US$82,000) in damages.

Zhao explained to reporters that he had appeared on a TV recruitment show in which the CEO of 58.com offered him a job, but had not kept his promise.

Zhao told his 2.5 million Weibo followers that he had been turned down because of his sexuality. 58.com denies these accusations.


1. 2014-02-20 14:04  
1. i do not know where is straight or gay, or gay pretending to b straight because There were tradition at past to show that someone are man by fighting with Lion or man fighting each other till death in Arena.
2. But I never seen this gladiator anymore, may be because no more straight in this world, but some are pretending to be straight
3. Straight Men should show to civil society to fight till kill others
4. Straight should have bravery to fight like that because they are different from gay.
5. We want to see straight Leader fighting each other with knife, swords, etc
6. Those who can not fight like that are not straight but look like straight..gay can fuck girl too
2. 2014-02-20 16:51  
Bottom4used: I don't know what you're talking about.
58.com may well deny these accusations, it's unclear whether the court will determine the alleged homophobia of 58.com or if Zhao Peng is playing his "homophobia" card to his own advantage.
Palying any one of these "cards": the racism card, the sexism card, the ageism card etc is quite clearly questionable.
I hope everything works out well for everyone involved
problems only remain problems if we do nothing about them
everything is a lesson
3. 2014-02-21 15:15  
It's unclear who's exploiting the issue, and who's playing this homophobia game for the sake of his own interest and for free publicity!
One thing for sure, sexual discrimination and unhealthy homophobia attitude in a so-called equal opportunity employment environment is still obviously happening and will remain for years to come in Asian countries.
4. 2014-02-23 12:36  
1. increasing population/breeding without availability of adequete resources will make conflicts, disrcimination and many sins
2. People who breed are people who do not care, no awareness on problems in the world.
3. Breeding can be accepted at past because low population with big resources.
Imagine if all land full of people that no space to walk.
4. People who breed now and future without enough resources are people who have no care. they are sinful, and having Mental Disorder
5. The must pay high tax or high fine
5. 2014-02-23 12:56  
6. men working in a company, Then they marry women, having 2 and 4 years old children.
They will need more money
What They did to earn more money ? made conflicts, made libel, made discrimination, made Lie, lowering performance to get more overtime, made many reasons to get more money by legalize Sins.

7. How if That Children growing to 14 and 16 years old? These Men will need more and more money and what they must Do?
Made more Lie, Made more discrimination, made more conflicts, made more reasons.

8. conclusion :
for business owner, People who breed made trouble and made complex problems even they do not care to stake holders or business owner because they only care to their children.

9. More people breed, more complex the problems. that is sinful
10. Breeding make exploration of earth resulting climate change.
11. People who breed must get punishment as consequences their sin by breeding not in correct time because nowdays we are facing ultimate situation of high population.
12. How if people breed can not pay tax/fine?
They can pay the tax or fine by working hard without payment or with low wage
13. If people can make other instable, so we are
14. Stability is created
15. People who breed, need to get Therapy because They must have awareness on solution of conflicts in the world.
They have mental disorder
They made crime and increasing crime
修改於2014-02-23 12:57:36




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