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20 Nov 2001

actress' killer confesses, names gay husband and 'tomboy' friend

The killer of a veteran Filipino actress confesses and names the actresses' husband as the mastermind; close "tomboy" friend as an accomplice. Glenn Chua in Manila brings you the report.

In a stunning twist to the brutal murder case of veteran Filipino actress Nida Blanca, a man claiming to be the killer has come forward.

Alleged killer Philip Medel (above) and the late Nida Blanca
According to local police, 51-year-old Philip Medel was driven by guilt and remorse after he realised whom the victim had been. In his testimony, he names the actresses' husband, American Rod Lauren Strunk as the one who hired him. He also names Blanca's close "tomboy" friend Candelaria Tantoco as an accomplice to the crime.

This revelation is particularly stunning to family and friends, as Blanca's husband was often shown to be stricken with grief during the funeral and interment, and was known to be a loving husband. However, according to Medel, Strunk is in fact gay and repeatedly refers to him as "bakling", a derogatory Filipino term for "gay man". Strunk and Blanca had been married for 22 years, but have no children.

When interviewed by reporters early on in the investigation, Strunk had cried and said: "It is senseless that another life has been ended. I'm gonna miss her. I don't know what I'm gonna do without her."

An NBI (National Bureau of Investigation) official said investigators are looking into reports that Strunk was originally listed as a beneficiary in Nida's local and international insurance policies. The actress reportedly revoked the policy and struck her husband's name from the list of beneficiaries.

Tantoco, known to be one of the actresses' close friends and frequent companion at the city's casinos, had also appeared inconsolable at the funeral, constantly staying beside the coffin. There is much speculation as to the nature of the relationship between "tomboy" Tantoco and Blanca, insiders dismiss it as nothing more than close friendship.

Blanca was found stabbed to death in her vehicle on 7th November, after she had been reported missing for hours. At the time, it was Strunk, in fact, accompanied by the police who found the body. The vehicle was parked at the 6th floor parking lot of the building where Blanca worked for the Board of Censors.

Medel, who has previously worked as a security guard in Angola, claims that Strunk promised him 50,000 pesos (US$1000) as initial payment to intimidate a "fair Chinese lady" who was guilty of embezzlement. Only later when he realised who the victim had been, was he overcome by remorse and decided to turn himself in. In his apartment in Quezon City was found a paring knife which he claims was the muder weapon. The knife, and some of Medel's clothes have been taken by the police for DNA testing.

Both Strunk and Tantoco have been placed under a Hold Departure Order (HDO) by the Philippine Immigration office, and will be prevented from leaving the country should they attempt to do so. Officials reveal that they are working out putting Medel under the Witness Protection Program. Investigations continue.








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