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10 Apr 2009

Bitch, please!

What's with being gay and bitchy? What are we trying to prove by being so mean to each other? Shinen Wong looks at where it might all come from and where we can go from here.

We have every right to be bitchy. When we grow up being told that our sex is dirty, our love inauthentic, and our loneliness a punishment, it is no wonder we grow up botched, bitter and bitchy. Our bitchiness is an expression of righteous anger, a return threefold of society's irrational malice toward our sexuality. Our bitchy wit comes from queer people as diverse as the Irish poet/novelist/dramatist Oscar Wilde ("America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilisation in between.") to American writer/comedian Bruce Vilanch, ("To be gay and out of shape is almost as much of a stigma as just being gay used to be.") and Rita Mae Brown, ("My lesbianism is an act of Christian charity. All those women out there praying for a man, and I'm giving them my share.").

Indeed, our culture is one to be proud of, one that has syntheticised our unique, syncretic mix of anger and insight, into a wisdom in the form of a scathing sarcasm, a form of cultural commentary we think of as 'bitchiness.' We have venerated the drag queen, the 'cross-dresser' who straddles the fine line between male and female, putting on a show in which we are entertained by her passion, her sardonicism in the service of politically-charged, survivalist entertainment. Her drag performance is commentary about the strange rules of femininity that society imposes upon women, through an over-the-top charade; the thick make-up, the eyelashes long as paintbrush-bristles, lips smeared blood red so thick it cakes underneath the glimmer. The best drag queens speak difficult truths. For those of us born in the generation where religion has died; she is our modern Goddess, our Kali-ma.

The drag queen's bitchiness bridges the divide between a wrath so deep it threatens to swallow her up entirely, and the easy humour of one who is above it all. In Singapore, we had drag-queen Kumar, who, in a 2004 interview with fridae.com, spoke a painful commentary about the lessening homophobia of his audience, "They don't beat me up as much as they used to."

Drag queens quip freely about the hypocrisy of dominant culture, the ills of government, the disgusting delicious perversions of nasty sex lives, all to the delighted thrill of applause from a titillated audience who deeply crave their own transgression, who crave a voice for their own bitterness, one that they can only live out vicariously through worship. All hail the bitch!

Reclamation as Revolution (or: "Fuck You, I'm Fabulous")
The word 'bitch' is one in a growing list of 'reclaimed' lexicons (like the word 'guai-lo,' literally 'ghost-man' by white people living in Hong Kong, or 'slut' by people who like having sex with many people). Reclaiming a word assumes the word has been used as an insult (see my other articles: "Faggot Faggot Faggot!" and "That's So Gay" for my more traditional breakdown of the hurtfulness of ignorant, derogatory word choice).

Clearly however, words change meaning through time, being used differently by different people within different communities. An example is the word 'gay,' which once meant 'happy' or 'carefree,' and was generously applied (without derogatory intent) toward people, male and female, who simply lived with a degree of unusual, but not unrespectable, frivolity. In time, the word came to suggest a 'fey' ('fairylike' or 'magical') quality, which in turn led to an association with increasingly taboo perversions, not the least of which was homosexuality.

That we now take for granted the acceptability of the word 'gay' to describe ourselves shows that we have reclaimed it. We have legitimated the role of noble anger and radical disenchantment in empowering a sense of selfhood. For we have said to ourselves, "If being gay means being odd, a little bit fairy-like, a little bit different, and quite homosexual, then by all means call me gay, because that is exactly what I am!"

So it is with 'bitch,' ordinarily a word that literally means 'female dog,' typically used in a misogynistic (woman-hating) way to refer to women who do not 'know their place,' who are outspoken and assertive (characteristics typically associated with men), and who hence wield a power that men are unprepared for and want to subdue. Indeed, like the word 'gay,' some might well say that: If bitch means being a woman who knows what she wants, knows how to get it, and is going to pursue it despite the odds, then by all means call me a bitch, because that is exactly what I am.

Like female angst, gay male angst seems to come from living with the straight male-dominant society that has wanted to 'put us in our place,' deny us our sex, our pleasure, our love, our culture, our affections, our relationships with one another, and so our expressions of dissatisfaction have had the aftertaste of the rage we stereotypically associate with wrathful women. Our anger is that of Kali in Vedantic India, Eumenides in Ancient Greece, the Furiae in Ancient Rome, and the wrathful female deity Lhamo in Buddhist Tibet. Their wrath terrifies and terrorises male order, and so our bitchiness is a mimicry of theirs, a noble rebellion against repugnant social structures that we loathe yet have little choice but to remain within. Here we wait, spouting words and artistry so caustic that they are alkaline, with the rigorous impatience of scantily clad warriors waiting for our next battle and a jerk off.

We too, can be bitchy.

Ressentiment (or: "Fuck You for Noticing my Inferiority")
The problem is that as a 'gay community,' we have so taken for granted the nobility and clever sarcasm behind 'bitchiness' that we have glamourised it beyond its original potential. Less and less are we bitchy toward mainstream society; less and less is our anger a righteous one, a direct commentary on injustice. Much pop culture has produced reality television shows like America's Next Top Model, Big Brother and Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, to name a few, that have capitalised on the wit of bitchiness, disarming it from its more radical potential to challenge social conventions. Instead, we have steered a whole generation to venerate the needlessly vapid bitchiness of media celebrities, whose bitchiness serves no further purpose than a mockery of itself, in the name of apolitical entertainment.

"Oh my gawd, what is she wearing?": We now act out of bitchiness toward each other, in the phenomena of women's 'catfights' or gay male competition, all of which are 'bitchy,' and all of which harness the raw energy of our anger to serve the ends, not of our liberation, but of our own annihilation. So addicted to our anger and our propensity to smart-mouthed bitchiness as an innate characteristic of ourselves, that perhaps we are guilty of what German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche has called "ressentiment" (pronounced 'ree-sahn-teh-mahn'), from the French word for 'resentment.'

"Ressentiment" is the idea that we have become so used to our experiences being treated as inferior, coupled with the attendant feelings of anger and spite, that we no longer experience authenticity in our identities unless we recreate the conditions of our own inferiority. One way we do this is through our over-veneration of the double-edged sword of bitchiness. Witness the dropping of malicious, bitchy quips all over the forums of fridae.com, like fragrant bombs of our own shit, in the name of empowerment, democracy, and community.

But my cynicism is not intended to be mean or dispassionate, though it is certainly bitchy. Indeed, I identify with that impulse, the addiction to righteous anger that characterises many of our lives. And this is not just unique to gay people, of course (to assume so would be the homophobic assumption, which I would prefer to have disappear entirely, taking with it the last vestiges of my own hostility). Clearly there is still a legitimacy to our dissatisfaction, though it remains an ongoing project to see where and how we can properly engage with it.

Deal with Our Shit (or: "Fuck You, Calm Down")
I am reminded of the Chinese Ch'an/Japanese Zen Buddhist "gong-an"/"koan" (a type of parable in which the rational intellect is challenged and undermined as a hindrance to wisdom). A young disciple goes to his master Zhao Zhou to instruct him most effectively on the intricacies of enlightenment; to which Zhao Zhou's reply comes across as dismissive, but which displays a corrective wisdom that cuts through the disciple's obsessive attachment to the formal structure of his earlier practice.

It goes:

The student implores (and I'm paraphrasing) "Master master, I have been meditating so long and still I have no glimpse of Enlightenment."

Zhao Zhou looks serenely at the disciple, and after a moment, asks "Have you had your dinner?"

"Yes," the disciple responds, bewildered.

"Then," Zhao Zhou continues, "Go wash your bowls."

At that, the disciple attains instant enlightenment.

Zhao Zhou's arguably bitchy irreverence, as it turns out, was sublime.

The enraged dance of Kali (who is the 'untamed' manifestation of the Supreme Goddess Devi) leads to the destruction of the preceding world order, in which the male Gods sexually humiliate Devi (in her manifestation as Durga), by requiring her to strip to nakedness to defeat the buffalo demon. However, this destruction is necessarily followed by her creation of the world anew. She is destruction and creation both.

In other words, I am inspired by the redemptive potential of our discontent. Perhaps our 'bitchiness' can be in the service of the 'Zen' knowledge of cultivated wisdom - the wisdom from having understood the traps of previously insufferable existence and acting out of that. A bitchiness in the service of extinguishing addiction, not fueling it. Like Zhao Zhou, we might make use of a wry, ironic, 'bitchiness' in the form of a soft, prodding sarcasm, not to perpetuate the horrors of facile bitterness, nor in the service of annihilating ourselves/each other, but instead to demonstrate compassionate understanding. Like Kali, any destruction that follows our quips must be followed by the noble desire to genuinely commit to creativity. Can we be so optimistic as to believe that our 'bitchiness' too can come from wisdom in the service of renewal, rather than from malice in the service of annihilation?

Or perhaps... you have something really nasty to say to me.

Shinen Wong is a high calorie product of globalisation and lives in Sydney, Australia en route from Malaysia, Singapore, and the USA. In his fortnightly "Been Queer. Done That" column, Wong explores gender, sexuality, and queer cultures based on personal anecdotes, sweeping generalisations and his incomprehensible libido.


1. 2009-04-10 13:20  
I always think that the gender should be defined as "Infant", "Bitch" and "Senile"....
5. 2009-04-10 14:07  
Bravo ! Bravo

Finally an article that best describe an attention seeking no brainer parrot like you jammyboi.

B.I.T.C.H in big letters :) LOL

Anyway, you are nothing near Kumar of Singapore jammyboi hehhehehe. Kumar has style .
6. 2009-04-10 15:01  
Personally Shinen, I think most mass-market shows you've mentioned above are centered more as an EXPECTATION from the public of how gay people behave, very much like how rap is associated with black 'gangsta' culture, whether real or perceived
Of course as they say, stereotypes do have a certain degree of truth, but it is gross misrepresentation I take issue with here...partly because 1) People often associate gender behavior with sexual orientation,
2) By lumping together literary greats like Oscar Wilde, Rita Mae-Brown etc with today's trashy TV celebrities, you yourself seem confused in distinguishing between 'wit' & 'bitch'?

As a sidenote, some samples of the (many)comments my 150% macho, heterosexual boss makes to us poor subordinates from time to time:
"Seems you don't seem to understand what I say despite me repeating; must I spell it out for you in a notepad?" Or "If you think you have the ability I'll make you the boss...you pay me instead." How's that for bitchiness???? ;->
Just my two cents.
7. 2009-04-10 15:45  
wow, who has time to think about this stuff bitch and the essence of eating cum (last piece by Mr. Wong)... this guy should write for the Farrelly Brother's next movie or pen an episode of South Park-- I am sure this all is tongue and cheek and a big joke on us, right?

ha, ha, hee, hee, oh

otherwise, this guy's got real talent but he just needs better subject matter... trying to hard to be original and far out, but he should learn from Seinfield that the best comedy often comes from what is most familiar and close to home

if i was this kid's dad or mom, i would kinda worry and think he needs a bit of therapy

sometimes kids get teased and beaten up by bullies not because they are gay, but because they are strange and kinda werid

anyway its Passover so wont judge or Bitch about it

8. 2009-04-10 16:53  
See Peh Cheem - Lia Bo Cue !!!!

You can call me a BITCH - That's what I am and I am proud of it.

High class

hahahahah ....it's all in the mind. You need to have confident to carry everything and don't get so affected by what people say . It's a harsh world out there. If you are so petty and get offended by such remarks , I am sorry Gurl- you have a hard time ahead of you.

Being gay is already so damn hard. Have to endure all these remarks ??? please ...I got better things to do.

" Kong ka Chuy ? Buay Kia Lang Too Lan ? !!!!
9. 2009-04-10 20:01  
I don't necessarily relate the word 'bitch' to being gay at all.

It's a generalization to say the least. Anyone can be bitchy at any given place or time.

There are also a lot of genuinely nice gay people and at the same time a lot of bitchy straight people.

I think its a matter of personality. And besides, what is wrong about being bitchy anyway? =)
12. 2009-04-10 20:13  
Post #2 gymwhorebod, thank you for showing us what the article is about through your role playing here. LOL. But instead of always shamelessly seeking attention through provocation, perhaps for once you can try to do something useful for your own kind in your own country; ie, by fighting the Anti-gay Christian fundamentalist b.i.t.c.h.e.s that hijacked the Singapore's women's group, AWARE-read the next news article.

It takes a real ugly BITCH like you to scare these little b.i.t.c.h.e.s away. Maybe, just maybe, your delirious state will finally convince them to lobby for you to get subsidised ARVs instead of you always going to Bangkok for treatment. Life is so short for you already and yet you persist in wasting it through constant battles with your self deluded ego. Pity. :P

13. 2009-04-10 20:50  
True story (caps here to get past the auto censor):
A big, powerful, successful American woman I know, once defined a BITCH in a positive way, relating to her own character journey. " You wanna know what a BITCH is? A BITCH is a C*NT in training!"

In other words, be all you can be, and use it in a positive way (I think). She saw this as her main characteristic, and used it constructively.
14. 2009-04-10 22:35  
Sounds like an attempt to head the reactionary readership off at the pass. Curious use here not of the word "bitch" but of the word GAY. Usually the word of choice for self-identification/description of the author in most articles is QUEER. So "WTF?" and I say that as non-bitchily as possible....
15. 2009-04-10 22:46  
WHY is my use of the word BITCH in lower case being censored?
19. 2009-04-11 08:35  
Post #7 jammyboi, you are nothing but a piece of tarts who think that you got class. It is *****es like you, who behaved so badly and distastfully that we are the targets of unwanted attention in this world.

tartjamboi, many times I have stated that in order for gays to achieve what we want, we need to have strategy and have a common goal agreeable by all in the community. The Anti-gay Christian fundamentalist uses brain and strategy, and they won.

And poor us, lead mainly by high heels, low IQ, foul mouth , screaming freaks like you who are only interested in free prostitutions . We have not once ever seen you spoke out on HIV before. Given you outspoken nature, you must be guilty of something.
20. 2009-04-11 09:22  
Agree !!!! Totally.

We have to remain united to win. !!! We cannot afford to be marginalised.
25. 2009-04-11 11:47  
being gay isn't a choice, but it certainly is when it comes to being b!tchy.

unfortunately, sad but true, it's a common human response to place blame on others, but being a prickly b!tch coz others are at it is just convenient and plain lame, not to mention unconsciously letting others dictate your actions.
28. 2009-04-11 19:53  
PS: gymwhorebod, you proved beyond any doubt that you have NO credibility and you are a sorry pathetic state of existence echoed by many here already, so dun even try to snake twist your way out of this one. And dun always coop yourself up in your discrepid little 3room HDB flat. Get out more often. Try and make some new friends in new kampongs or do what u are good at= create another new profile but name him now, instead of whiteaussie, how about blackpussie? ;)
Btw, wear your sani pads and stop leaking everywhere...gross! Yikes! >;)
29. 2009-04-11 19:54  
Oooo, gymwhorebod, u must be really excited to have something to do again over your lonely weekends. Anyone with even the slightlest decent memory will know that I have always been very pro and supportive of my gay brethens and sisters and all related activities, including fighting for subsidised ARVs and non discrimination for PLWHA in countries like your 3rd world homeland Singabore.

On the other hand, u slander so many here and got banned by Fridae and yet u impose your kampong religious extremist views relentlessly and create so many illegitimate profiles just to self stroke your deflated ego; and u have the shameless audacity to rant and play innocent. You sure put the C.U.N.T back into cunning, but no cigars meena. LOL!

Is that really what u claim as being united when u constantly slam our own kind in your forum postings? Just because it's in old postings does not mean it does not exist in factual memory.
30. 2009-04-11 23:41  
Brilliant article !

There is an on-going debate over the use of the term B.I.T.C.H and other derogatory words in the Queer Lounge at my university - I'm so gonna make them read your article :)
39. 2009-04-12 12:24  
Surprisingly tartjamboi, my days are very occupied with my bf, real family and a whole range of activities involving real people from different walks of life . You see, though I have the unfortunate luxury of not working and travelling, I have this hobby of exposing low lives like you. Who would want to spend real time with a fouled mouthed low IQ queenie ( AKA Ah Q) shouting revolution everywhere he goes. Only loosers like you can come up with such far fetched story that I am using different profiles here.

Look at the amount of tart that spew out of your foul mouth queenie. Oh I forgot, you have a brain inside your arse and speaks with that orific too LOL :) What "banned by Fridae" trash are you talking about LOL :) You are just like that charactor in Lushun's Story of Ah Q. Fighting and repeating the actions of others without really fully understanding what is at stake, If you behave like that, you will end up like Ah Q. :) LOL. If you have a low IQ, it doesn't mean that all of us in the gay community need come down to your level and behave the same too.

George Bush's Presidency was a failure because of his "either you are with us or against us" policy. You tartjamboi, is a mirror reflection of that stooge.

Anyay, your brain is too small to understand the moral behind LuShun's "The Story Of Ah Q" even if you have read it already.
40. 2009-04-12 13:25  
to be honest, Mr. Wong's article is driving more people over to Trevvy . .. good intentions, well written crap just doesn't do it for the under thirty crowd anymore . . . you are losing your audience and too long in the angst of the gay bubble... you hide behind the gay cloak but if you wrote this as a straight man, people still think its crap... I am sure this type of article is driving pro-gay, classy and wise advertisers away
41. 2009-04-12 14:29  
I don't understand why this trivial article cannot wait a week to take over the AWARE report as the first page LGBTQ people get to read when they first come to the fridae.com site. Seriously, as a pro-gay website, fridae's editorial priorities should be re-assessed in times of trouble.
42. 2009-04-12 14:56  
Shinen Wong's trite and corny writing style has me turning into a bitch. He reminds me so much of Frasier Crane, with all the airs and graces, trying to sound so 'chim', when in actual fact, all he elicits are sniggers and raucous laughter. Sorry, but really, really painful to read his stuff. Can we get we get some stuff from other people to read, please?
43. 2009-04-12 15:03  
Shinen Wong's trite and corny writing style has me turning into a b i t c h. He reminds me so much of Frasier Crane, with all the airs and graces, trying to sound so 'chim', when in actual fact, all he elicits are sniggers and raucous laughter. Sorry, but really, really painful to read his stuff. Can we get we get some stuff from other people to read, please?
(And this goes to fridae.com - asterisks instead of the word b i t c h?? Especially whebn it's all over you web page anyway? What hell is the mater with you? When will you ever come out of the dark ages??? Just another frustrating thing about this article, that we can't say what we want to say pr use the words we want to use. Get with it.....it's the 21st century, it's the 3rd millennium!!!!)
44. 2009-04-13 05:34  
I have to agree with some of the other posts. This is not the representation of any kind of liberation. "Bitchy" will never be wise. And what "culture" do gays have? From Europe to Asia, the only "culture" I see is that some guys like leather and others dress up like girls--the majority just want to meet other guys within whatever culture you find them. My boyfriend and I avoid the bars because of mavens like this one.
45. 2009-04-13 07:03  
Angst is fear, not anger, I wish people would not keep making this mistake and editors should correct it before it gets up on the web.

Parts of this are good, and parts are really embarrassingly bad . But the girl should keep trying. And we should have the grace to give her a fair hearing each time.

A cheeky mouth is the refuge of the underdog because you can hurt people so much better with a brutal description than with a punch. Bitchery is mostly verbal when you think about it, seldom physical. Most of us remain cowards fuelled by hysteria and terrified by laws of assault and defamation.
46. 2009-04-13 13:44  
Time well spent reading this article (non-sarcastic comment)

Zhao Zhou story was great. The bitch shows one that he/she is just one of the crowd, no more no less.
47. 2009-04-14 09:15  
People responding to this article love to be the center of attention but hate being called out in the lime light (ie: when they don't agree with you and lack the eloquence/capacity to respond without attaching negativity to it).

Wonderful article Shin-En. I look forward to reading more from you!
48. 2009-04-16 10:08  

I now have Meredith Brooks singing in my head.
49. 2009-04-17 08:26  
I wonder what the editors are thinking letting this article go on the front page. These articles are getting beyond a joke. From cum worshiping to promoting bitchiness, is there no end? Shinen obviously writes well, but should focus his talent on something more upbeat and positive.
50. 2009-04-18 08:26  
If you had actually read this article, you wouldn't think that the writer is promoting bitchiness.

Perhaps the articles need to be dumbed down... since it seems like it's too complicated for some readers.
51. 2009-04-22 22:45  
i've already wash the bowls....
still no ENLIGHTENMENT.....
i dont get it PERIOD!!



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