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7 Mar 2001

singapore gay site celebrates second year

It was a wild night of partying for Singapore's local Sgboy site.

On March 5, Singapore local gay site, SGBoy, hosted its second year anniversary at posh club Venom. The club has traditionally been the gay party place on Sunday evenings, while straight on other nights. March 5 being the eve of a local holiday, however, brought Singapore's gay population streaming to the club to celebrate the popular site's anniversary.

Part of the evening's events included the "Mr SGBoy" pageant, where the finalists were displayed in all their finery. And lack of it, during the swimsuit segment. Crowds cheered wildly when 21-year old finalist Nicolas Lim was chosen as Mr SGBoy 2001. After the pageant, the floor rapidly filled with those who had put on their dancing shoes for this night. Many, however, left the club early, as the sheer number of people packing the joint made them uncomfortable. "It's getting hard to breathe in there, much less dance" was said by one guest.

Reports say the queue for guests to get in stretched a block long, with some people queuing for up to 2 hours.


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