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News & Features : Sex and Living

pleasure in a cup

pleasure in a cup

Fridae's sexpert, Alvin Tan, tries out Tenga Onacups - touted as the "future of masturbation" - and explains why they would make the most ideal Valentine's Day gifts. Now available in the Fridae Shop.
mum, dad, i'm gay

mum, dad, i'm gay

What's next for parents? Increasingly in China, parents of gay children are not only accepting their sexuality but trying to help other families in the same situation support each other, Dinah Gardner reports.
tay kriv

tay kriv

Lesbian photographer and traveler, Tay Kriv, captures many moods with her lens.
simple gifts: the perfect antidote to bad department store carols

simple gifts: the perfect antidote to bad department store carols

The Singapore Lyric Opera presents an evening of classical Christmas music by Prokofiev, Britten and Rutter - the perfect antidote to bad department store carols. Fridae interviews conductor Joshua Tan Kang Ming for more details.
bend over beijing

bend over beijing

What makes a pair of underpants gay? They stay up all night, walk with a slight mince, get on well with your mother and know all the lines from Guys and Dolls? Dinah Garner checks out jockstraps and other forms of support at a store near Beijing's iconic Forbidden City.
tattooes of the heart

tattooes of the heart

Singapore dyke-about-town and a non-believer of the concept of 'The One' Pat Law writes about finding and knowing if that someone is indeed 'The One.'
braving the heat

braving the heat

Fridae's Alvin Tan, shares some observations about sauna sextizens and offers some basic sextiquette for readers making their first forays into this sweaty scene.
the pink non-picnic

the pink non-picnic

Despite the National Parks Board's official ban on a gay picnic in Singapore, approximately one hundred queer people and allies turn up to relax and share food at the Botanical Gardens.
women who love women: conversations in singapore

women who love women: conversations in singapore

Premiering this Saturday, WOMEN who LOVE WOMEN: Conversations in Singapore features three Singaporean lesbians who talk about their lives in the city state where same-sex acts are still illegal.
a matter of taste

a matter of taste

Rice and potato queens have often been the subject of discussion on Fridae and elsewhere. What about rice and potato queen dykes? Lesbian columnist Dinah Garder explains why "Asian girls just do it for her" and attempts to uncover the differences between gay men and lesbians who profess a preference for a certain race.

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