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20 Apr 2010

Focusing on our Families: Eileena Lee and mother

Eileena Lee and her mother share their journey about coming to terms with the former's lesbian sexual orientation, and supporting each other as they both seek answers in a world where gay issues are often misunderstood and misrepresented.

The feeling of falling into a deep pit is how Yiap Geok Khuan, 67, would describe her state-of-mind when she first received word that her daughter, Eileena Lee, 38, is gay. 

Tears filled her eyes before she even heard the words. She had been in denial for years and her greatest fear was about to be confirmed – that the daughter she once dressed up in her own image – would turn out to be lesbian.

The bearer of the news was not Eileena though. It was her younger brother, who decided to call his mother at her office one afternoon, all the way from Australia, where he was studying.

Eileena had confided in her brother, and he chose to speak with their mother about it. His intention was not to tell on his sister, but rather, to ask Mdm Yiap to give Eileena emotional support, for she had been struggling with her sexual orientation for a very long time.

Mdm Yiap still vividly remembers that fateful day, down to the exact words her son had said to her over the telephone: “Mom, you have to remain very calm. I have something to tell you that’s very important, and I need you to be calm when I say it because this is not something that we can control or change, and we have to accept it as it is.”

This was back in 1995, long before pink dollar, pink tourism, penal code 377A or the AWARE saga found their way into the Singapore consciousness.

“When I heard what my son had to say, what I felt… is so hard to describe. I was sad. I was angry. It felt as if I was going to fall. I felt guilty. I felt frustrated. And I kept asking myself: Why is life so unfair? Why did god deliver this to me? Why did it have to be me? Why did it have to be my daughter?” she recalled.

Highly distraught, Mdm Yiap began her search for answers. She looked around for information and literature about homosexuality, not quite knowing what it was that she was looking for. She admitted that she was flustered and "in two minds" about the situation. On the one hand, she was hoping to find answers on how she could change Eileena – to make her straight. On the other hand, she knew, deep down, that she may never find the answers she was looking for. This meant that she would eventually have to face up to reality.

During this period, Mdm Yiap did not confront her daughter on what her son had revealed to her. She was not ready for that. She chose avoidance instead. So from 1995 to 2001, Eileena became "invisible" to Mdm Yiap and their relationship turned cold. Mdm Yiap would take a "passive-aggressive" tact when interacting with her daughter, picking on insignificant, minute details to signal her unhappiness.

“I was confused and I may have given Eileena the impression that I didn’t love her then," she said. "That's not true at all, of course. My thoughts at the time were that I didn’t want a daughter like that; I didn’t want a gay daughter. So I avoided her because I needed to escape that reality. On the surface, I appeared very cold, but in my heart, I was always concerned about her,” she said.

All the books that Mdm Yiap had read about homosexuality were of little help. For sure, she received greater clarity on the facts and issues, but none of that knowledge adequately addressed her emotional distress at the time. She remembered reminiscing a lot about simpler moments in the past, where she would dress Eileena in pretty dresses.

“I was quite vain, as a woman, and I cared a lot about looks. I wanted Eileena to be pretty, and she was such a pretty girl when she was younger," Mdm Yiap recalled.

Little Eileena Lee with her mother, Mdm Yiap 

"All through her primary school, Eileena was like any other girl. But when she started secondary school, she became quite rebellious. She was hot-tempered and she didn’t want to talk to me even though I tried very hard to communicate with her. She kept avoiding me and I grew increasingly worried for her. She knew that I loved her femininity but she became a tomboy and stopped wearing skirts. The harder I tried to coax her, the angrier she would be with me."

Desperate to connect with her daughter, Mdm Yiap resorted to spying. She would sneak into Eileena's room, hoping to find a journal or a diary.

Looking back, Mdm Yiap said she spent too much time and energy searching for answers. It was futile because she was never satisfied with whatever it was that she found.

In 2001, after six years of reading and researching, Mdm Yiap confronted her daughter. With a deep breath and a heavy heart, she went to Eileena and asked, "Are you abnormal?"

Eileena's response: "No, I'm very normal."

Half an hour later, she went back to her daughter. This time, she asked, "Are you gay?"

Things did not improve immediately between the two. According to Mdm Yiap, she continued to feel a "knot" in her heart, but their relationship gradually took a turn for the better.

Although Eileena now jokingly refers to that episode as one where she was "dragged out of the closet" by her mother, she admitted that if not that confrontation, she would not have chosen to tell her mother.

"Like a lot of gay people, I had thought that telling the parents was a selfish and hurtful act," Eileena said. "My mother didn't accept it quickly. At the time, she also blamed herself."

Although she had exposed herself to information on homosexuality, Mdm Yiap continued to think that Eileena might have become gay because of something she did or said. "I didn't understand what homosexuality was about. I thought Eileena was gay because she thought being gay was cool. I thought it was through the influence of her friends. I thought that maybe she was just being rebellious."

Eileena did not aim for her mother's acceptance. Instead, she wanted to reconnect with her mother as her honest, authentic self: "When we start to lie, we need other lies to cover up, in order to protect that first lie. Then it all builds up. Soon, your whole life becomes a lie and you lose yourself."

While in the past her words would arouse her mom's suspicion, Eileena's honesty was reassuring for Mdm Yiap. "Eileena helped me to understand who she was. She brought her friends back home, usually large groups of friends, and from the sidelines, I observed them. I realised then that not all gay people were what I had imagined. Not everyone fit into that image that I had in my head. Almost all of them were highly educated and had successful careers. Everyone was polite and kind."

Aside from "spying" on Eileena's friends, Mdm Yiap would also listen in on Eileena's phone conversations. She realised that Eileena was spending a lot of time counselling others. She witnessed how Eileena would go out of her way to help others, sometimes even talking people out of suicidal thoughts. "My observations tell me that she's got a loving and kind heart. Many people could see that. My pastor likes her very much too. And even though Eileena's Buddhist, she would offer to help out at my church," she said.

In 2002, Eileena's father passed away. Shortly after his passing, the family business encountered several serious setbacks. This was a business that Mdm Yiap had painstakingly built from scratch, so it mattered greatly to her. But after a series of lawsuits and losses, she decided to give up the business and retire.

The incident still upsets her, but it also represents a turning point for the way she felt towards Eileena. "Eileena encouraged me to go to church. She persuaded me to talk to my pastor. She even brought me to church. If not for all of that, I believe I might be mentally unsound today," Mdm Yiap said.

Eileena Lee, 38, with her mother who's now 67

For Eileena, that difficult period signalled to her the importance of family. "I never really had a strong relationship with my mom. After my father passed away, we had to learn to live with each other – because we had to. I saw that she was going through a lot of sadness [at the time] and I felt it was necessary for me to support her, because, come to think of it, I spend a lot of time helping people who aren't even family, so why shouldn't I give more to my family?"

Reflecting on the entire experience, Mdm Yiap concluded that things only got better when she learnt to open her heart and her mind. To do that, she had to let go and not try to control what God had given to her. Adopting this mindset, she said, allowed her relationship with Eileena to grow by "leaps and bounds".

Today, Mdm Yiap is proud to support initiatives like Pink Dot because she believes her own experiences can go towards reassuring other parents. "To me, the parent-child relationship is priceless," she said. "As parents, we need to show our children love and support, so that they can be happy individuals who will give back to society".

Mdm Yiap personally believes that life is better when everyone treats each other with love and care. She says this is what her religion has taught her. "Gays are people, and so, like anyone else, they need love."

Mdm Yiap recognises, of course, that this sentiment did not come easily to her, and so she offers her story in the hope that other parents might benefit from it.

"From the bottom of my heart, I want to share with the parents of LGBT Singaporeans, some of the key things that I have come to realise. First, nobody chooses to be gay. Homosexuality is not a disease or a disorder. How they feel comes naturally to them, and I believe that this is what God had intended for them, and also, for us," she said.

"Love and acceptance should start at home. As parents, if we do not show love to our children, how can we expect society to do the same? So I hope that parents will love their children for who they are. They are God's gift. When our children receive love and acceptance at home, I believe that they will go on to live their lives with love, and contribute to society in meaningful ways."

Eileena Lee is the founder of RedQuEEn!, Singapore's oldest email discussion group for queer women (since 1998) and co-founder of Pelangi Pride Centre

Pink Dot 2010 will be held 15 May 2010, 5pm, at Hong Lim Park. For details and updates, visit pinkdotsg.blogspot.com.


1. 2010-04-20 21:22  
"Love and acceptance should start at home. As parents, if we do not show love to our children, how can we expect society to do the same?"

Precisely! That about sums up what's wrong with society all along.

Good on you Eileena and your mum. Keep showing the way. God Bless!
2. 2010-04-20 23:31  
Well, I can feel along with Eileena and her mother. Like me, both my parents (who are chinese educated), have come to terms with me being gay and she tells me: whatever you do, be safe. I was not chased out of the house, I was not sidelined, I was not bashed. I am still loved by them. :-D
3. 2010-04-21 15:14  
Faith, Hope and Love; and the greatest is Love.

My mom called me one day and asked if I was gay. I was so chicken that I denied it - I regretted the missed opportunity but not the decision as she had a weak heart, 'coming out' to her over the phone could have killed her, I thought.

But deep down, we all knew the truth about me....
4. 2010-04-21 15:52  
Good day mates.After reading and watching the video,my pair of eyes went watery for the happiness of Eileena,her mother and her family.Thus, i feel envy of her warm caring family members who accepted who and what she is.How i wish i could be able to tell my parents that im Bisexual here.Anyway keep up a good work Eileena and family.
5. 2010-04-21 18:34  
Nice. I hope a lot of Mums and Dads, brothers and sisters, go and support Pink Dot. Maybe even some government figures, as they do in other countries.
6. 2010-04-21 18:48  
Well done Eileena!!
I've come out to my mom recently too. It just came out of my mouth naturally during one of my conversation with her, pretty calmly though totally not planned. Mom was devastated and cried buckets. She kept blaming herself, saying things like it's against nature, and insisted that I change. I was expecting the worst as my mom is as traditional as a woman can be. In her world, gay people never existed. Even if she had ever come across in newspaper, it would have been reports that put the gay community in a bad light under the category of perverts etc. She had been hounding me to get married years after years, and it was actually my intention to keep it from her forever, fearing that the truth that her only son is gay will hurt her badly.
But over the years, I realized that our relationship had grown distant. Sub-consciously, I have been avoiding her and everyday when I come home from work, I would head straight to my room and close the doors. Conversations with her were always skin deep and brief, either cut short by her asking me of my intentions of getting married or the fear of her bringing up this topic. I guess somehow deep inside me, a voice was shouting to me that at my age of 38, I need to face up to her and not to run away from her anymore. So when I came out to her, I told mom firmly and clearly that my sole intention of telling her is to improve our relationship, and be able to be true to her.
After the initial couple of days of outbursts after telling her, mom somewhat cooled down. We have both not brought up the topic since, but I know deep down, she is still not accepting the fact and is harbouring anger for her son. I can see it from her face and actions every now and then. For example, her face would be upset for no reason when she talked to me sometimes, or she would pick the smallest things to get angry with me. I told myself that I need to be patient with her and consciously remind myself to show my love and concern for her every now and then. I have, myself, took a few years to come to terms with myself and accept who I am, let alone a traditional woman like my mom who've hardly come in touch with issues like this.
To me, telling my mom is only just the beginning of the entire coming out process. After that, much deliberate efforts and time needs to be invested to constantly expose and educate our loved ones (be it parents, siblings, relatives or friends) about what being gay is all about. Ignorance is the ultimate evil for all misunderstandings and disputes. Upon coming out, it's one's responsibility to further clear the ignorance your loved ones have with regards to being gay.
That being gay is not a perversion, that being gay is not doing something bad, that being gay is not being sick or against god's will, that being gay is nothing shameful to hide. That we can still lead a healthy and fruitful life being gay, that we can still have a committed relationship being gay, that we can still contribute to the society positively being gay.
This is a long journey that one needs to commit oneself to after coming out. And I've to constantly remind myself to do that. It would be unfair for mom to go though this and suffer alone. I want her to know that her son is doing fine with his life and cares for her even more. Being gay is only one part of my life. Ultimately, I want her to see that my aim of coming out to her is to improve our relationship, and not to further pull us apart.
Kudos to Eileena and mom for coming up front to talk and share about your coming out process. It will really help to educate the public, straight or gay, about what's being gay is all about, and in the broader picture, about being true to yourself and your loved ones. I will continue my journey with my mom to give her the care and support she needs, and will show her the video footage that you did (mom can't read English unfortunately, so I can't show her this article) when the time is right.
Until the day that my mom accept her son for who he really is, wish me luck!!
Cheers, David
修改於2010-04-22 01:09:46
7. 2010-04-21 19:26  
@6, Great post David, many thanks for sharing your experience. I'm sure she will accept you, and appreciate that you have confided in her, but it takes time. It took my parents about a year to understand and accept me being gay, after the initial shocked reaction when I came out as a teenager. Then my Dad was so supportive he started driving me to town to drop me off at the weekly gay disco. Coming out to my family kept us as a close, loving family, as it did with my Singaporean partner and his family after he also came out when he was a teenager, and today both our families meet and are friends with each other.
修改於2010-04-21 19:41:07
8. 2010-04-21 21:29  
What a touching topic... I'm always sad when I hear my Malaysian and Singaporean friends telling me their coming out experiences. Most of them only have bad memories. Denial, ignorance, anger, tears, shouts...
The worst thing a parent can do is ignorance. Parents, please, *never* ignore your child when he or she confess being gay. They love you and you love them back. They are normal and there's nothing to do about it. It's a fact, not a choice.

I wish it'd be easier for SEAsians to come out to their family. Education is key, and Taiwan should be taken as a model on this respect.

How sad it is to hide a major part of ourselves for years, even decades?
9. 2010-04-21 22:20  
A cool n heartwarming story from Eileena n her mum. Bravo aunty.

Maybe i should ask my mum how she felt today and 12 years ago when i came out to her, quite unplanned actually.

Lol..as like most mums, she cried buckets and e rest is history. Since, that day, my mum had met every of my gfs and brief acquaintances, of whom some she openly expresses what she like or not about them.

Being one not for ambiguity, i noe i did the right thing! Since, I can go out there in confidence bcoz of my family's acceptance.

It is a blessing that I need not lie or give fluffy replies abt my orientation. Thus, the light and bold living years; yesterday, today and tomorrow!!!

Of late, i m contemplating to have my wedding banquet, when the right one finally comes....but of coz, subject to her consent and comfort.

M i pushing my limits, i thought?

Till that day arrives, kudos to all mums n dads...ur acceptance is crucial to your children's well being and esteems.

Few would really want to live that closeted life...

My 2 cents.


10. 2010-04-22 11:04  
so touchable! :D a great story :D
11. 2010-04-22 15:08  
12. 2010-04-22 20:27  
sobs sobs ... get me a kleenex ... one that I wont throw away! ;~) ...
13. 2010-04-23 09:47  
as i'm reading this, i started to feel and imagine if my mother would accept me too? that would be sweet...
14. 2010-04-23 13:58  
Wow awesome envy u have a understanding mum;0 god bless..
15. 2010-04-23 14:51  
I'm so happy for you Eileena!
Mdm Yiap, I wish more mothers like you in this world. You are like my mother - you symbolize what true love means; unconditional and respectful.

16. 2010-04-25 16:03  
Good for you Eileena....




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