Penny Wong, Labor’s Climate Change Minister said on Channel Ten that she respected her party’s opposition to gay marriage law reform.
"On the issue of marriage I think the reality is there is a cultural, religious, historical view around that which we have to respect," she told Network Ten on Sunday. "The party's position is very clear that this is an institution that is between a man and a woman."

Senator Wong had also dodged a question posed by an audience member on ABC's Q&A program on which she was a panelist.
"By virtue of who I am, prejudice and discrimination are things I have firsthand knowledge of," she said on Monday. "When I entered the parliament, I did actually think very carefully about how to handle being Asian and gay and in the parliament, because it hadn't been done before."
Senator Wong said that before entering public life, she decided to be "absolutely open" about who she was. "Part of the reason I did that was because I thought it was very important to show that you should never be ashamed of who you are."
She went on to describe how herself and several other members in the party had "worked very hard to try and improve the parties position and policies on gay and lesbian Australians."
Gay rights activists have accused Senator Wong of selling out.
Same Same, a Australian gay website, quoted Australian Marriage Equality spokesperson Alex Greenwich as saying that he thought Senator Wong’s rationale for opposing marriage equality to be “deeply hypocritical.”
“It was once the ‘cultural, religious and historical view’ that women should not be members of parliament, Asians should not be allowed into Australia, and lesbians shouldn’t even exist, yet thankfully all that changed allowing people like Penny Wong to contribute to Australian society at the highest level,” he said.
“By opposing marriage equality, Penny Wong has betrayed gay and lesbian Australians, and by using culture, religion and history to justify this opposition she has betrayed the principles of tolerance and inclusion that have given her immense opportunities as a lesbian woman of Chinese descent. I can only pity Senator Wong for putting the politics of prejudice ahead of her own equality.”
Tim Dick of the Sydney Morning Herald wrote in his column titled Married to the mob: "Would you object if your party, after fixing some areas of discrimination against a minority group of which you are a part, refused to move on the last major reform for that group because of 'tradition' without any cogent explanation of why that tradition should remain? Not if you're Penny Wong."
He noted in the column that in 2006 she accused former prime minister John Howard of being more extreme than former US President George Bush on gay rights. A the time, Howard had the governor-general squash civil unions in the ACT. In 2009, Kevin Rudd then the prime minister achieved much the same end by threatening to do much the same thing.
Wong, who is Malaysian-born, said in 2006: "I hope there will come a time when this country can look back and wonder why some in this place and some in this government were so frightened of and antagonistic to certain types of relationships. I look to a day, to paraphrase a great man, when we not only judge people by the content of their character but also where we judge their relationships by markers such as respect, commitment, love and security and not by the gender of their partners."
She is the first openly gay member of the Australian Commonwealth cabinet, and the first Asian-born federal minister.
Online political editor for The Australian Samantha Maiden commented the attacks - some of which are racially tinged - from within the LGBT community.
"You might think the gay and lesbian community would back Wong up. Instead, the online comments section of the Sydney Star Observer [a gay newspaper] includes such 'rainbow' remarks as: 'So Wong'; 'I hope Penny is put back on her boat and sent home'; and 'Wow, for a woman who looks like Jackie Chan, she’s got some nerve." Maiden wrote in her blog.
Labor lobbyist Graham Richardson, a co-panelist on ABC's Q&A program, took over the mic when another audience member asked Wong why won't or can't she openly disagree with her party's position on gay marriage.
"You would not have had many of the things that have now happened, that she’s already referred to, if people like Penny weren’t in the Labor Party and weren’t pushing for them,” Richardson said.
"There are a lot of people in the Labor Party who don’t agree with this stuff. But give her a break. She’s part of a caucus. There’s a thing called cabinet solidarity and if she wants to break it, she gets nowhere. You’ll lose someone who fights for your cause. That, my friends, is dumb. Big-time dumb."
A recent poll on the Sydney Morning Herald website showed 64% of 44365 respondents are for gay marriage.
As far as marriage goes who really cares ‘gay marriage groups are small and really command no great support rarely managing to get more than a hundred or even that on their street rallies, marriage it's a discredited and unreliable model for relationships I think it's best to go the civil partnerships route but one where Gays Straights monogamists and polygamists can all access equally no special one for 'gays' only
Are these words pasted from the article the words of peopling that claim to promote diversity and open thought?
'Traitor', 'hypocrite', 'married to the mob'. Openly lesbian Climate Change Minister Penny Wong came under fire from the gay community and commentators in the media after towing the Labor line that only men and women should be allowed to marry.
Agree with the "gay community" and you are loved. Disagree and you are vilified.
Stand strong Miss Wong.
This is not an issue of public interest, how can two people chosing to express their love be a matter of "public interest"?
This woman is a sell out and a traitor, never forget this Australia.
It is quite possible that individuals, homosexual and heterosexual actually have a different set of priorities than you.
I do not need, nor do I seek the approval of any government in how I express private issues in my daily life.
while we don't need the government to approve our private expressions, but we DO need the laws to treat us equally!
If marriage is not our thing, then head for civil partnership. I mean for God sake, as long as two individuals are in love and together, who really cares about "marriage"? Having said this, being treated equally yes, we all deserve that.
More than often culture and religion are all mixed up and more than often, religions are microscopically interpreted by silo-looking priest, teachers or whatever you call I still do not believe that women around the world still embrace those religions that outright discriminate them and abuse their rights ...(women have to cover up, women cannot be a priest , women cannot enter this or that place, women cannot do this and that while men can basically put their dick anywhere they want ...oppppssss) suggest whoever going to start this Oral JiHARD with me to think carefully :-P
But I think what she meant is, sorry my party's interest comes before whatever interest and reason why I was elected in the first place ...perhaps there is a misunderstanding ? Was more than 50% of her votes came from LGBT ? if yes , they she has an obligation to fight for them ...otherwise is understandable that she needs to weight the interests of all her Str8 and LGBT's voters but to use history , culture and religion as her shield I dont think is that nice dearie ....
All you do by pursuing marriage will further alienate yourselves from your society
It beats me why anyone would want to take on a concept as faulty as marriage when you can so easily gain the legal rights and responsibilites of marriage without offending anyone
I'm pretty sure it's "toeing the line," not "towing the line." :)
I have been living in Australia for 3 decades, originally od European non-anglosaxon decent and regardless what is being said in certain aspects australian society is still somewhere in the 19th century. Should Penny Wong openly favor gay marriages this would be not only contradiction of official line of ALP but also she would loose majority of her electorate and would not be elected as an MP for the next term. So she decided to be diplomatic and hoping she will be reelected in 3 weeks time as an MP for the next term. After all, her electorate is not in a middle of Darlinghurst and LGBT represent only small percentage of her constituants. After all, vast majority of australian public shares John Howard's view presented few years back in election frenzy that "two men with a cocker spaniel is not definition of family"!
like there wasnt immigration rules like before if she doesnt want any changes, shame or u!!!!
By the way - voting green is voting labor if you dare to check latest preferences schedule.
pretty sure not so soon..
That statement comes from a Singaporean. Now, I can now fully appreciate the meaning of the word hypocrisy
BTW krakguy... he did say greenS... he should have used an upper case 'G'...
She obviously believed in making changes from within, and as such she is within a party which has a majority opinion.
I can JUST understand her following the party line if that is her strategy but if she actually believed the party line (little different from tony abbots claptrap) then she has some pretty weird ideas, and is at odds with most gay people as well as a lot of non gay Australians.
She may as well get back in the closet as far as I'm concerned because she is little use out of it except to get herself a nice position in parliament and a nice parliamentary pension at the end of it.
She obviously believed in making changes from within, and as such she is within a party which has a majority opinion.
I can JUST understand her following the party line if that is her strategy but if she actually believed the party line (little different from tony abbots claptrap) then she has some pretty weird ideas, and is at odds with most gay people as well as a lot of non gay Australians.
She may as well get back in the closet as far as I'm concerned because she is little use out of it except to get herself a nice position in parliament and a nice parliamentary pension at the end of it.
Equal rights for gays? I absolutley support that
Gay Marriage? No thanks!
However I would no more want to "marry" my BF than jump off the church roof. Yes, I feel that once we make a committment to one-another we should have the same rights, obligations and responsibilities as hetrosexual couples. But PLEASE ..... I don't want to be tagged "married". I cringe at the thought. Most "married" people I know are divorced or miserable. The term "civil union" seems... well.... rather civilized to me and quite acceptable.
As for Penny Wong, she's entitled to her opinion. Remember the "T" word girls and boys: Tolerance.
I am not interested in what Tony Abbott thinks of my queerdom- it's more important that he will get the economy back in order and he will clean up many of the utter ballsups created by closet case Rudd and PC's darling Penny Climate Change Wong. You ought to bestir yourself to learn about our insulation and education buildings mess, the utter waste of government money and no improvement to the cleanliness of the environment nor advances in waste management or recycling.
The Rudd Labour Government was full of good intentions but ultimately empty rhetoric, Gillard is part of that whether she pretends otherwise or no. Labour has to go. Despite what YOU see on British television, we spend more time here working and saving than shagging and lying on beaches- we want freedom and prosperity, not socialist poverty and slavery. Penny, I wish you well but don't call us, we 'll call you.
It seems to me, that the only "gay right" that has not yet been achieved is same sex marriage.
Like or loathe the labour party here in Australia (and I am not a labour voter) they are the only party that I am aware that has brought in the rights that have already been gained for GLBT in this primarily conservative country.
Penny Wong has helped bring legislation for many of these rights. She has done much.
What do you detractors really want her to do? Become an independant ? Piss off voters by pushing for same-sex marriage, or maybe leave politics all together? Then for sure, in those scenarios, we would lose her forever.
Penny Wong and others who may wish to introduce this last bastion ( same sex marriage) will bide their time until a situation in government arrives when there is enough support in her party for this. Until then, she, as many others who want to make changes for the better have to "toe the party line" This is how politics works.
In the meantime, recognise the achievments, appreciate what has been gained, and look to the future, and give Penny Wong some respect, and some slack.
Bunch of ingrates, thats all I will say.
Go Senator Wong, you made us Asians proud...and who gives a shit about same sex marriages! Equality for all is what any country should work towards to. A piece of paper doesnt mean anything when societal attitudes remain unchanged.
You can only effect changes while you are in parliament so keep fighting for the GLBT community...
Keep the "Climate Unchanged" (pun intended), Minister for Climate Change!
GLBT community in Australia cant afford to lose you if you choose to go head on and clash with your own party, we totally understand that.
Kevin Rudd is a living example...strategic moves, Senator. My salute!
It's actually quite sad that Penny as a Lesbian minority is being used as a human shield to not only toll the party's line but to compensate for their entrenched homophobia and racialism - this is so common in all mainstream parties around the world. Look at Canada and US - pretty much the same there.
So my advice for Penny, get out of that job and stop allowing your party to use you - you are doing a disservice to yourself and millions of other young Dykes around the world (and all queers for that matter). Re-organize your own politics, stand tall and be a progressive Queer Asian role model instead.
Maybe she entered politics for more reasons than championing same sex marriage,(which even in the gay community is still a contentious issue) and as such is the minister for climate change and water, which I can quite confidently say is a more pressing issue than a delayed same sex marriage legislation.
Why should the whole burden of gay rights issues fall onto the shoulders of one person.
Its not a fair expectation, given what Penny Wong has already achieved.
And I'd add, that to most of the GLBT, Penny Wong is already "queer role model", and a role model for young asians in general, (gay or otherwise) especially here in Australia where she is widely respected for her grace, coolness under pressure, and competent politician, not only because she is an Asian Lesbian in politics.
Thanks for your comments, it's really great that we can have such intellectual discussions without dissing each other.
I can see that she is probably a good role model to some LGBT young people. However, it's just that when you're in such a high profiled position it's really sad that you have to peddle back on something that is connected to the core of who you are (by the virture of what you are).
Same sex marriage is not an isolated issue, this intersects with everything, including how we negotiate climate change (believe it or not).
Honestly, I am not pointing my finger at Penny, I think she is just working herself through an unequal system to begin with - labour parties are known historically to be homophobic, sexist and racist, this is the reality.
I have no doubt that Penny is very talented and charistmatic, I just think she is on the wrong side of the fence. And because she is Asian and a Lesbian - she is in an even more vulnerable position.
It is clear that some of us in the gay community are highly deluded about what gay rights actually mean and erroneously equate gay marriage with equal rights. Since when has the institution of marriage become the ultimate symbol of LGBT equality? Don't these people realise that marriage is just that? - A fabricated institution that is currently failing about half of those who contract it.
Besides, before being too eager to be granted whatever rights the rest of society is enjoying, for the sake and under the guise of equality, shouldn't we ask ourselves whether we truly want to be mere numbers added to the statistics on 'marriage gone wrong'?
I quite agree with ThayT-#34 on civil partnerships.
As for the "...put back on her boat and sent home" and other " some guts for a woman who looks like Jackie Chan" remarks, I really do not believe I should favour them with a comment of my own. However, I can't help but notice that, for people who are supposedly scandalised by a politician who they believe did not uphold their common interests in equal rights, they themselves make a very poor statement on the very values that make equality achievable: tolerance and acceptance, as opposed to their remarkable show of prejudice, racism and narrow-mindedness.
Hmmh... makes me wonder why I bother with white guys anyway.
I wouldn't go that far that Penny Wong is a role model but certainly role of the minister in ruling government is quite an achievement for someone who was not born here. Guess after all, we are still multicultural whether one wants it or not :)
Every successful gay man I know these days is converting over to the republican party... gay men are tired so tired of the same old crap from our activisits who have accomplished so very little...these conservatives are a growing force and dress better it seems, anyway in essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, in all things charity
gay men and women are a strong part of the growing global conservative movement and its taking root everywhere, but I am not so political animal, just trying to get laid most of the time, anyway I think buttoned down conservative gay men are really hot.we want freedom and prosperity, not socialist poverty and slavery.
White colonial immigrant Australians are now a dying breed eventually they will be in the minority much like New Zealand is heading, there lies their dilemma they are often a arrogant and conceited lot most are nothing and nobodies and they can’t stand that others do better than them. Skanky racists!
@42&43 lagunabro - as usual, the ever ticktock clockwork shameless cyberwhore. So now you are @51 Kumabro_oz from down under, booted out from China? Tell me you both are not twins?! Geez!
My, what perfect synchronized crap from both your trashholes?
"gay men and women are a strong part of the growing global conservative movement and its taking root everywhere, but I am not so political animal, just trying to get laid most of the time.."
Pray tell, how many more deluded profiles around the world do you have? Are you so in need of attention to do all these BS time and again. Losers like you give good gay people a bad name. Even Larry Craig would not sodomise a hypocritical farce like you. You are pure POLLUTION!
Diversity Is In The Eye Of The Beholder: A Day At Uni-Tea
Apparently, Uni-Tea wasn't only bridging the racial gap. Brendan Kissam and Matt Hissey wandered into the event carrying signs that said "proud gay conservative" and "freedom is fabulous." They said they were "the Gayborhood's envoy to the tea party."
The pair said the tea party is welcoming to their minority group, too. "The Tea Party is accepting of everybody," said Hissey, adding that "Skin color diversity — that's not real diversity. Everyone here has a different life experience." Hissey recognized that the tea party "might be against gay marriage," but that's ok, he said, because he is too.
What is empowering is to see, more clearly with each 'debate', that the future is in OUR hands and not in their hands....
And like many have said so, there are probably many levels within the realm of politics that made her decide on this. We don't know exactly her true/real reasons, only her political reasons.
Besides... boo hoo you can't get married. Get over it. It's not the end of the world.
i think REPETITION is the key ...
if u tell someone the sky is pink long enough, the sky will seem pink to him ... or her ... whether or not the sky is truly pink is irrelevant ...
viz a viz ...
if you continue to let people (organized teams, especially those with motives and hidden agenda) to keep playing down equality and marriage rights ... sooner or later, we will have a generation (or two, or more) of LGBT people who think such is true ...
if you are gay, and you dont agree to marriage being accessible to all, and that marriage is strictly for dual sex individuals, the least you could do is not stand by the other's side and make our job more difficult than it already is ...
let us do our job ... who knows, one day you might decide to marry, but ALAS, you cant, because you decided to casually brush aside and defeat what others were fighting for; people who sacrificed and continuously doing so ... their time away from family and friends ... from work ... money and efforts to make sure that, if you DO someday want to get married, or your gay friends, or your children (Hey, gay people have children too! who might or might not be gay themselves! etc etc etc), you would find that THE DOOR would be closed to you and them, maybe permanently by then ...
Helping out, in any way ... and being united is crucial in the fight for equality. If you cant see it just yet, please just let others who believe and want marriage for all, do their work ... I would rather that you stay idle, sitting on the fence than sharing similarity with the oppositions (who are well organized, loaded (in cash) and armed with an army of steadfastly anti-LGBT people who has only one aim in mind ... ... ... that is to refuse LGBT people of equal treatments and rights).
try not to belittle our work and efforts ... ... ... who knows, just in case u fall in love madly one day and your partner wants to marry ... ever thought of that prospect ?
you do know how to fall in love still, dont you ? ....